Chardonnay and Shenanigans

dress - Winners (borrowed from Jenessa at the last minute because I didn't like the dress I brought)  
shoes - Aldo   purse and rings - H & M

Last Friday my best friend Kristin and I surprised our other best friend friend Jenessa for her birthday by kidnapping her for the evening and taking her to The Matrix Hotel downtown. Jenessa lives in Vancouver so it's not often the three of us can get together and just hang out and be dorks which is exactly what we were that night. Unfortunately I can't get into too many details of our night of debauchery on my blog because my mom or the Pope might read this and/or I might get arrested if I divulge too much information. (I'm only half-kidding when I say that.) And if the Pope is reading this, I promise I'll go to church this Sunday. Twice!

This was our room. I loved how it was decorated.

Two Beauts! Wine tasting in the hotel lounge.

The thin band I'm wearing on my finger is the same one I reviewed here, c/o Anjolee.
If you're wondering!

Our first stop: Hundred Bar and Kitchen for dinner and drinks.
Edmonton Oilers fans will appreciate this bottle of vino ; )

Kristin's Lobster Taco's

My tasty spinach salad with dried cranberries and granola

Dessert for the birthday girl! A  warm peanut butter cookie topped with banana ice cream.
We all had a bite, or two or six ; )

Shots! Our second stop: Moriarty's Wine Bar for more drinks and shenanigans, which usually go hand in hand. We had so much fun and ended our night at The Pint with a.....

Pirate?? Oh, yes.

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