Canada Day Long Weekend: Photo Diary

What I wore to a birthday party last Saturday 
top - Bamboo Ballroom, shorts - Zara, hat - Joe, sandals + jewelry + purse - H & M, silver ring - Free People

Flowers at the cabin

My nephew on Canada Day

Pigeon Lake - I spent almost every weekend here during the summer as a kid.

Toasty warm campfire. Marshmallows were involved of course.

Cute cake my friend made for her son's birthday. Isn't it adorable? It was delicious!

Me with my best friends Jenessa, Kristin and baby Taysen. Jenessa surprised Kristin and flew in from Vancouver to celebrate T.'s first birthday! It was the funnest kid's bday party I've ever attended. It started out with lots of little kidlets, bright balloons, monkey toys and chocolate cupcakes and ended with the adults playing beer pong, loud music, dance-off's and someone waaaay over the age of three falling into an ice bucket. It was AWESOME!

Mmmmmm Sunday brunch! French Toast with Crown Royal syrup topping, my favorite.

I hope you all had a nice and rejuvenating weekend!

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