Angelina Jolie: A long-term Relationship Partner

Angelina Jolie Relationship Talk
                                                                       Angelina Jolie

Question: And if you get another love, what will he be like?

Angelina Jolie:  The kind of man I could be with one day would 
                             have to be an amazing father, a compassionate, 
                             strong, independent individual. I want somebody
                             who demands I be better than what I am today.

                        (*to note: this interview was taken before Brad Pitt became her partner*)

Speaking Style

Today’s theme continues from last week’s Blog about the type of guy or girl we would date; or wouldn’t date.  Last week was about dating preferences.  This week’s language focus is similar but used when we are talking about being with someone more permanently. To refresh your memory here is last week’s conversational speaking pattern:

Avril: Boys with guitars  they’re really fucking hot.  I could never date a preppy guy

Avril gives us her ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’ regarding guys.  This gives us lots of information to continue talking to her. For example we might answer, “Yeah, I love guys with guitars too.  There awesome!” or “ No way.  I love preppy guys.  I think they are more mature.”

In today’s natural language focus, Angelina shares with us the type of man she would like to be with in a future long-term relationship.  The language she uses is very subtle and casual:

Angelina: The kind of man I could be with one day would have to be __________.

The expression ‘the kind of man’ is common and casual.  The sentence: “ I could be with one day would have to be…” is a possible future that almost has a fairy tale feeling to it.   The next part of her language emphasizes her ideal man for a long-term relationship:

"… an amazing father, a compassionate, strong, independent individual.  I want somebody who demands I be better than what I am today."

As you can see, Angelina’s passion comes out in the use of several adjectives and then the secondary sentence. The adjectives are descriptive but precise and the secondary sentence shows how she wants to be affected by her next partner in a direct way.  Angelina wants a great father for her son, and a compassionate, strong, independent man in her life.  Moreover, this person must be all of these things in order to affect her to become a better person. 

Angelina’s language pattern flows so nicely.  Her passion and ideas are propelled clearly without sounding arrogant.  She allows us to see past the outside beauty and into the sensitive but intelligent, beautiful person inside her.  This is the type of language that attracts a great partner to the beginning of a wonderful relationship.  Angelina’s language has that female X-factor or irresistible magnetism that parallels her physical traits. 

Now, to bring out your own personal magnetism…or catch guys like Brad Pitt or anybody else you want!

Angelina’s Conversational Speaking Pattern

The kind of man I could be with one day would have to be __________.  I want somebody who ___________.

Some examples to get you started:

1. The kind of man I could be with one day would have to be strong but sensitiveI want somebody who demands I be better than what I am today.
2. The kind of man I could be with one day would have to be intelligent, funny, and love dogs.  I want somebody who understands me.
3. The kind of woman I could be with one day would have to be strong, independent, and loving.  I want somebody who demands I be better than what I am today.
4. The kind of woman I could be with one day would have to be intelligent, warm, and a cat lover.  I want someone who is also my best friend.

I hope you will enjoy trying out these speaking patterns in your daily love life!  

Take care and I hope you catch the partner you want,
Alex - Celebrity English
Celebrity English Language and Culture
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