Some Picspam to Soothe the Weary Soul

Johnny chats with a fan at his book signing

at Borders in Chicago, January 18, 2011.

Photo courtesy of David Ingogly.

OK then!

To recap: So we've spent the last couple of weeks trying to communicate with USFS, asking them with polite persistence to please invite Johnny to skate in the exhibition after he picks up the second Readers' Choice Award of his career. We tweeted, we emailed, some
You have read this article and they wonder why the sport's popularity is in such decline / David Ingogly / I so appreciate their kind and caring response / it's great to know they're willing to listen to new ideas / Johnny Weir / WTMW with the title Some Picspam to Soothe the Weary Soul. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!