The Best $10 I Ever Spent

dress - H & M, shoes - Target, purse - c/o J. Crew, ring - H & M

Happy Monday! (As happy as a Monday can be, right?) I hope you all had a nice weekend! Mine was pretty good but of course went by waaaaay too fast. Thank goodness we have a long weekend coming up. On Saturday night I slipped into this fun, floral dress I bought months ago for $10 on sale at H & M (yes, ten bucks!!) but had never worn up until this past weekend when I went to dinner with my family. We went to Chop Steakhouse to celebrate my Grandma's 90th Birthday. I've mentioned before that I'm a vegetarian so you might be wondering, "What the heck does a vegetarian eat at a steakhouse??" Well, I'll tell you!

I started off with spicy cashew snap peas...

For my main dish I had a chicken apple salad with toasted pecans  (minus the chicken) and I finished off with a....wait for it, wait for it..

...delicious baked apple pie with vanilla ice cream that I shared with my sister-in-law. It was amazing! We all walked out of the restaurant with food babies in our tummies. D. had twins, he could hardly move.

My nephew Kayden and my grandma after she blew out her candles. She looks great for ninety years old, hey???

Have a great week! And don't forget to enter my So Pretty Jewelry international giveaway for a chance to win a $100 gift card! 

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