Valentine's Day

 dress - F21, jacket -Winners, shoes - Dolce Vita, scarf - c/o Long Tall Sally, tights - Spanx, rings - H & M
photographed by the magnificent Harvey Miedreich

Did you all have a nice Valentine's Day? I hope so! If I had gone out for dinner yesterday this is what I would have worn. A casual dress paired with some spicy tights! Ummm, Spanx, where have you been my whole life?? You hug me in allllll the right places. But D. and I decided to keep V-Day low-key this year, for the first time in the (almost) six years we've been together. No gifts and we stayed in. He made me a delicious dinner, we exchanged love letters (as if we were in the sixth grade!) and then curled up on the couch with Kitty and watched a few episodes of a show we're obsessed with right now on Netflix: Breaking Bad. It's so good! I love Walter White almost as much as I love Don Draper. It was exactly how I wanted to spend Valentine's Day with my guy : ). Earlier in the evening, however, I took advantage of another great Sephora deal. (You know how I love my Sephora deals!)

Exclusive to Beauty Insiders: if you spent $35.00 on any Sephora product yesterday, you received a complimentary Valentine's Day set of mini's featuring NARS products: Bronzing Powder in Laguna, Smudge Proof Eye Shadow Base and Liquid Illuminator in Orgasm. So I bought a moisturizer (more to come on that in another post) and got all this! Damn I love deals! I'm excited to try these. Did anyone else take advantage of this bonus? And does anyone else love Spanx as much as I do??

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