Four amazing YouTube videos celebrating the birth of Jesus

Here are four great YouTube videos on the Christmas story well worth watching and sharing with friends.

One was doing the rounds last year but I have just had my attention drawn to the other three by two of my sons who are much better up on these things than me.

All four are innovative ways of celebrating the divinity – maybe to spice up carol services!

Enjoy as we celebrate our wonderful Saviour’s birth.

First up is ‘Christmas in a nutshell’ (2 minutes). We’ve all given some poor gifts at Christmas but God gave us something no one could’ve imagined.

Next is ‘The Digital story of nativity’ (3 minutes) - a ‘social media-fest’ of the birth retold using twitter, facebook, gmail and youtube, all to the sound of jingle bells. Very clever!

Third, ‘Bethlehemian Rhapsody’ (5 minutes) – an amazing Christmas parody on Queen’s biggest hit. Enjoy!

And finally - one the best tenor renditions of ‘O Holy Night’ (6 minutes) you will ever hear from David Phelps. The song starts 1m20s into the video but the story at the beginning is not bad either – don’t be put off by the Tennessee accents.

A special thank you to those who produced these four 'labours of love' - whoever spent their time putting them together has done us a great service.

Pass it on!
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