Mega Macy's Picspam: More From Chicago!

With unfailing good humor and graciousness,Johnny autographed headshots, copies of Welcome to My World,fan-provided photos, and pretty much anythinganyone set in front of him at the Chicago State StreetMacy's last Wednesday.

Yes! It's time for more Chicago picspam! Today we have selected shots from the meet-n-greet portion of Johnny's appearance last week at Macy's in downtown Chicago, during
You have read this article David Ingogly / Johnny Weir / plus it takes 14 hrs to fly there so when he lands it'll be like it took 28 hrs altho it will probably only feel like 72 depending on how much he and Tara bug each other on the flight with the title Mega Macy's Picspam: More From Chicago!. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!