Grey Cup

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coat/scarf/fingerless gloves- H & M    cardigan - Aritzia     sweatshirt - F21     pants/hat - Zara     boots - Winners  

Yesterday was the Canadian Football League's Grey Cup which is Canada's version of the Superbowl and this year it was held in my hometown which was quite exciting. The city was filled with crazy football fans and there were tons of fun parties and events people could attend all weekend. I wore this to a Grey Cup party my cousin had last night at her house. We all stuffed ourselves with way too many snacks and appy's as we watched the Saskatchewan Roughriders take on the Montreal Alouette's. (Montreal won.) The actual game was played outside in -5 degrees celsius and I kept thinking, "Wow, we Canadians really are crazy." We'll watch football games in the snow when it's freezing outside. We're hardcore.

I also saw the movie 'Burlesque,' which I told you about on Friday. I really enjoyed it! I was afraid Christina Aguilera's performance would be similar to Britney Spears' in 'Crossroads' but luckily Christina can actually act and carve herself a character. She's a force to be reckoned with, that one. She was amazing, especially when she used those pipes! The storyline was a bit cliche: struggling and naive young woman moves to L.A. to find fame and in doing so finds herself, overcomes obstacles, falls in love, etc. but whatever I still thought it was great. I give it an 8 out of 10. Did anyone else see it this weekend? What did you think? And what did you think of Cam Gigandet's abs? Holy Moly : o

Just a reminder: if you haven't entered my Urban Decay/MAC/OPI giveaway you can enter it here. Contest closes tomorrow night and the winner will be announced on Wednesday! Good luck!

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