Blog Awards and Stupid Human Tricks

Happy Monday! (As happy as a Monday can be.) I hope you all had a great weekend! I was honored to receive a couple of Blog Awards last week. First I want to thank the lovely aspiring make-up artist behind Funny Face Beauty for awarding me the Sunshine Blog Award.

My second thank you goes to the talented photographer Snappy Q for awarding me the Versatile Blogger Award.

In order to receive this award I'm supposed to list 7 random facts about me so here goes. I  used images 'cause that's how I roll.
 1. I’m a terrible, terrible cook although I can make a mean-ass salad ; ) When I moved in with D. my best friends presented me with a copy of "The Rookie Cookbook" which I will crack open soon. Maybe. No, just kidding, I do want to learn ; ).

2. I can flip a coin from heads to tails on my stomach using my ab muscles and nothing else. This is just one of many useless and stupid human tricks I can do. ***Please let me know what stupid human tricks you can do in the comment section below, I'd love to hear!***

3. I don’t eat anything that has a face. I just can't do it. (photo via Cafe Bellini)

 4. One of my favorite things to do is to go to the movies with my girlfriends and eat a huge bag of extra-buttery popcorn.

5. When I was four, my brother burnt my face by accident with a marshmallow that was on fire. It left blisters but luckily no scars!

 6. I am a Reality Television junkie and watch waaaaaay too many reality shows: So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing With the Stars, Teen Mom, The Real World, Jersey Shore, The Bachelor series…these are my guilty pleasures ; )

7. I am a recovering D.P.A. That's Diet Pepsi Addict. I decided to quit aspartame a couple of weeks ago because of what I think it's doing to my stomach.. It's been soooo hard! I used to drink 3 cans a day. (I know - BRUTAL.) I can't seem to find a low-calorie, refreshing, non-chemically enhanced drink besides water to replace it with. But my tummy is doing better so that's a plus.

I'm supposed to pass on these awards to some of my favorite blogs but I'm going to be B.A.D. and pass it on to ALL of you because really, how can I choose? So I apologize for being "That Girl" who doesn't play by the rules but I hope you understand why. I don't want to leave anyone out.

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