Many names are been bandied around already though the election that would chose who to replace the incumbent is still far off. Many are of the opinion that the choice of who to replace the current action Governor lies solely with the Asiwaju of Lagos, Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu. But our findings shows that it might not be that easy. 

Already as we speak, much politicking is already ongoing in the background, so as to position those who feel they deserve to be the next to vie for the post. But as much as the party in power in Lagos is planning ahead for the next election. The main opposition party is not resting in their bid also to wrest Lagos away from the party on the throne right now. 

Many names have cropped up in recent times, some of those we have heard about are the likes of former Commissioner for Environment and a top Chieftain of the ACN, in the person of Alhaji Muiz Banire, also on that list is Senator Ganiyu Solomon, a close ally of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, another is Obafemi Hamzat, the current Commissioner for Works in the administration of His excellency, Babatunde Raji Fashola, another also is Mr. Tunde Fowler, the current Tax boss in Lagos, he is the boss of the Lagos State Internal Revenue, another prominent name that has cropped up is that of the Permanent Secretary, Lands in Lagos State, Barrister Hakeem Muri-Okunola, who is the youngest amongst all the names being mentioned, another name we have heard in passing is that of another Commissioner in the present administration, in the person of Gbolahan Lawal. Mr. Lawal used to be the ADC to Asiwaju before and his lot has grown ever since then. One other name that used to be more prominent before was that of the current Speaker of the house in Lagos State, in the person of Honourable Adeyemi Ikuforiji, but that name has gone to the back-burner since the scandal on the mismanagement of a colossal N7 billion. With many of these prominent names coming up daily, many do not know where the pendulum would swing in the case of the Asiwaju, who many believes holds the aces. And just like the Asiwaju did before in his choice of BRF, he might go ahead to surprise everyone again, by totally overlooking all those jostling for the post presently. 

But one very influential person many might be overlooking right now, but whose support might be very important for whoever should emerge to run for the election as the boss of Lagos in the next election, is the current incumbent. As much as people might not be looking his way, his say would be of utmost importance.  Also ready to spring a major surprise as long as they put their house in order is the PDP, but their surprise would depend on them choosing a fantastic personality to represent them.  

Some are of the opinion that ACN or would it be APC then, might not have it so easy this time around ooo. This might be because of some actions taken by this current Government that some might not have liked.

Time would tell anyway. And election time would soon be here. So lets wait and see.
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