Heading West...

tank top - c/o West 49, beach pants - c/o West 49, purse - Rebecca Minkoff, rings + black and gold bracelet - H & M, gold cuff - Banana Republic, necklace - ?, wedged sandals - Winners

When West 49 contacted me to pick out and style an outfit from their store, I was flattered they asked but I also thought, "Aren't I too old to shop there??" West 49 is a retailer of fashion and apparel, footwear, accessories and equipment that caters to the youth sports lifestyle. Well, I'm in my thirties and the only sport I play is Tetris so I was a bit weary of what they'd have in store for me. To my surprise I found this gorgeous Element Shannon crocheted lace tank top and these extremely comfortable printed Billabong beach pants that are totally age-appropriate for me. I have a feeling this outfit will be worn many times throughout the spring and summer this year, especially because these pants are so comfy I feel like I'm not wearing any! (But thankfully I am. Wouldn't want to flash anyone.)

West 49 stores are located across Canada. You can also check out their website. And you don't have to be in your teens to shop there ; ).

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