Vixen's lot has been on the increase exponentially in recent times. Not only is she always in our face, looking very stylish & gorgeous, at least she's trying (she seem to have many designers & stylists on a permanent lock-down nowadays), but her work profile has also been increasing. 

She's always either on the red-carpet doing her thing the way she knows best (Yeh! we all know she works at Silverbird TV), but she's also shown over time that, she's a good show hostess, a very good example was the recent Butterscotch Concert she hosted very recently. She gave a good account of herself. Good delivery, witty one liners and great flow. Style-wise!!! She's always tried to do her best. Though, we have frowned on very very few occasions, 88% of the times, she's impressed us. And that's massive. Way to go girl.

Apart from the hair in the picture above, we love how she's interpreted the LBD. Are those Louboutins we are seeing there. Yes we think so (Christian Louboutin bis-un-bout 120mm pvc pumps black average cost at about $1,350 dollars, but on daily deal at $145.99 dollars). Hmmmmmmmmmmm
You have read this article DAY STUNNER / ENTERTAINMENT AND LIFESTYLE / FASHION AND LIFESTYLE / HOT OR NOT / YVONNE VIXEN EKWERRE with the title OUR OTHER DAY STUNNER IS NONE OTHER THAN.....................YVONNE 'VIXEN OF LIFE' EKWERRE. You can bookmark this page URL https://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2013/05/our-other-day-stunner-is-none-other.html. Thanks!