Friday Flashback: Super Silly-ousness. On Skates.

Johnny at HDOI rehearsal. 

The lovely Michele Mansoor referred to this 

as his Burqa Look.

Photo © David Ingogly.

I don't know what kind of a week you've had, but mine sucked balls at various moments that have really just kind of worn me out. Some parts were great (Skating Watch Party with bonus Johnny commentary! HoneyBadgeWeirs Beat the Bot! Fabulous picspam from Nationals plus awesome
You have read this article argh / David Ingogly / fortunately we still have hundreds of photos left in case there’s more emergency idiocy that requires the application of picspam / he totally cracks me up / Johnny Weir with the title Friday Flashback: Super Silly-ousness. On Skates.. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!