NYFWe ♥ These Pics

Johnny at the WALTER presentation on Monday.Looking every bit the glamorous living legend that he is.Photo courtesy of Super Agentress Tara Modlin.

All righty then. 

In contrast to our previous forlorn, Dickensian state, shivering cold and destitute with nary a twitpic to keep us warm, today we have such an embarrassment of NYFW riches that it's taken me hours to sift through it all, and just
You have read this article Johnny Weir / OMG so many photos and so much happy / thank you Tara these are awesome / today he's off to the rink with his SP music and a very happy heart I can't wait to see how that all comes together with the title NYFWe ♥ These Pics. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2012/02/nyfwe-these-pics.html. Thanks!