Manic Monday: More NYFW Pics, Plus a Special Event!

Johnny at the Erickson Beamon presentation 

last Thursday. At last, a really good look 

at his entire ensemble! Photo via Fashionista.

OK! So a few more NYFW pics have popped up in far-flung corners of the Internet (seriously, it's like some sort of weird underground fashion-themed Grade-School-Scavenger Hunt-Meets-The-Amazing-Race to find these things, and BTW does NO ONE tag posts with,
You have read this article have I mentioned I'm also a Viktor Petrenko stan / I ♥ Hanuk / Johnny Weir / Skate for the Goal / tonight we'll begin the desperate search for pics from the Chris Benz show / you had me at ten dollars with the title Manic Monday: More NYFW Pics, Plus a Special Event!. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!