NBC’s Leah Marie Trogan is back and
This week in a Celebrity English Exclusive powerhouse Leah Marie Trogan talks Make Up, NBC reality dating series READY FOR LOVE, the Tim Lopez Relationship, and the Future!
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Make Up Artist Extraordinaire!
Alex Graham: Please, tell me a bit about yourself.
Leah Marie Trogan: Well I am a single mother that is very blessed. Everyday I have this amazing, wonderful little boy that looks up to me and every day I just want to give him the world. Also, I have always been a very career oriented person and they call me a ‘powerhouse’. I don’t give up on anything! I have been a make up artist, I think, ever since I popped out of my mother’s womb hahaha...
Alex: Hahaha…
Leah: I like literally came out with brushes in hand and ready to roll!
Alex: Hahaha…That’s great! Are you still doing that professionally?
Leah: Yes I am actually. It is something I have always loved and wanting to do. I am an international make up artist for Bobbi Brown Cosmetics which allows me to travel around, mostly the US, to do a lot of public speaking about Cosmetics for different fashion shows. It helped me to get ready for NBC’s Ready For Love. It gave me a bit more boost in confidence prior to speaking in front of the whole world.
Alex: What type of client do you deal with?
Leah: Well in that type of setting there is usually about 1200 women attending my presentations at fashion shows. However, these fashion shows can be attended by anyone. The audience is filled with all types of people from Homemakers to Bloggers to magazine writers to industry fashion people that are interested in the latest and next cosmetic trends. You know seeing what is up for the season. I also do a lot of work with photographers and film people but the majority is fashion oriented. I keep myself very very busy.
On NBC’s Ready For Love
"Bearing her Heart & Soul"
for the guy she loves!
for the guy she loves!
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NBC's Ready For Love Official Website |
Alex: Recently you were on the previously popular TV show NBC’s “Ready For Love”, what was that experience like?
Leah: Well, it was a terrifying experience but also one of the most exhilarating experiences. It is something that I think everyone should try.
Alex: My goodness “No!” I would die on TV in front of all those millions of viewers. That is why I write hahaha…
Leah: Hahaha…I know it is insane but you know, you never expect to feel that way but in that moment it is amazing and realize so much about yourself. I did the show because…you know; I truly had strong, strong, strong feelings for this man. So it really prompted me to speak. You know if it wasn’t a “Yes”, than at least, I mean I would rather know than to not know with him. So I went into it knowing that it very well could have gone both ways. But for me it was more important just to get an answer from him. So many women, I work with a lot of women, go through life without getting there questions answered and a part of their heart stays with this guy that they didn’t work things out with. You know there is always that question. And I have such a big heart and I need to have a whole heart when I give it to someone. And I don’t want there to be any questions or anything hidden that I can’t fully express in my life to someone in the future. So for me I really new that it was important to get that off of my chest in the biggest way.
Alex: Absolutely excellent points you don’t want to be 60 years old plus and wonder “What if”…, “What if”… It drags people down and eats at them over a lifetime.
Leah: Right.
Alex: You are a powerhouse!
Leah: After I gave birth I felt like I’m amazing but after this show I feel like superwoman. I can do absolutely anything when I set my mind and hear to something!
Alex: Good for you!
Alex: You have already touched on some of this but what does love mean to you? And what made you decide to go on NBC’s dating and reality series?
Leah: Love to me is completely selfless. Putting yourself out there for someone else. You don’t gain anything from it in that you are living your life and loving them without any questions or any expectations. It’s an unconditional love. And it is something you don’t think about. You just love them and you just do it for them.
Leah: And the other one, “What made me do the show?”
Alex: Yes, is there anything else you wanted to add about going on READY FOR LOVE?
Leah: It was just something that I had to do. There was no question I had to do it. You know a lot of people ask me the question “Why?” you know, you guys live in the same city as him, you have his phone number, you guys have the same group of friends “Why wouldn’t you say it then?” To me it wouldn’t have made as big of a statement.
Alex: Right.
Leah: And you know that process of getting on a show like that takes months and months and months of flying back and forth to LA. It is not like OK put your dress on and go up that elevator and say something.
Alex: Hahaha.
Leah: You know you are secluded for 2 weeks without a phone or seeing anyone…it is a crazy process but for me I think Tim really needed to see that and I needed him to know how truly much he meant to me…and to me, there was no other way of doing that. No other way that would speak louder to him.
Alex: I see your point. That is a heck of statement!
Leah Marie Trogan Reveals her past
with guitar player Tim Lopez
“It takes 2 to tango!”
with guitar player Tim Lopez
“It takes 2 to tango!”
Alex: Now, as it turned out you and Tim Lopez have a bit of a past. And many of your fans and fans of NBC’s READY FOR LOVE are curious about the past. Would you mind elaborating on your relationship? We are all dying to know!
Leah: That is always the question.
Alex: Yes you already answered it quite well but is there anything else or…
Leah: Tim and I…our relationship was a very fun and flirtatious relationship.
Alex: Ok.
Leah: There has been a question that I have been hit up on face book to answer. And I think that is the one that I will address as far as physicality goes. I think the most important thing that people need to know is that “I am not like that and neither is Tim”. People keep asking me or assuming that Tim and I had been sleeping together when he was married.
We did not!
Alex: Ok, I see…people are asking or assuming that type of thing. Ok well to set the record straight then that is completely false.
Leah: That is a completely false rumor and no that was not the case.
Alex: How long did you know Tim?
Leah: I have known Tim for 6 years. When Tim and I were in a room together there was a spark. It was undeniable and everyone including our friends saw it. But it was just a difficult sort of situation due to the fact that I had dated his best friend.
Alex: And his friend…was that a long relationship?
Leah: It was about a 7-month relationship.
Alex: I see. Ok.
Leah: It wasn’t too long but it was long enough. But I think it was always an issue and that is understandable.
But it “takes 2 to tango” and that is all I am going to say…
Alex: Hahaha…absolutely…hahaha… that is a wonderful way to put it!
Alex: Is Tim still friends with your ex-boyfriend?
Leah: Oh absolutely. They are best friends to this day.
Alex: And are you all still friends or have you just moved on completely?
Leah: We see each other occasionally but it is not like it was before. But it’s because I respect him and Jeanna and Tim’s new relationship. I didn’t really think that Tim would have found love on a show like that but you know I really loved…I really loved all of the girls in my house. And they are all special, individual people. So I really know that Tim did walk away with a quality girl and I’m OK with that because I really just wanted him to be happy. As much as I wish it had of been me I am glad he found something real for himself.
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Behind the scenes NBC Ready For Love with Bill Rancic! |
Alex: Ok, well, I think you have cleared up everything quite nicely. Now you have moved on, I don’t know your personal situation right now, but for all of those eligible bachelor’s out there, what do you look for in a guy?
The Language of Love…
Leah: I look for someone who likes to “play in the mud”. I mean, I want someone who likes to have fun and doesn’t care about the superficial things in life. I am not a person like that. I don’t get bought. I like someone who is real. I enjoy someone who is real. You know, the first question I ask someone isn’t, “What do you do?” But “What inspires you?”
Alex: Nice!
Leah: I never ask about jobs because I don’t feel that it is important. I mean eventually we get into that but I have gone on dates with guys where I don’t find out what they do until 3 weeks after. And a lot of guys are like “I can’t believe you never asked”. It is not my concern.
Alex: All right. For the male readers of Celebrity English, what do men do wrong when trying to date the fairer sex?
Leah: What do men do wrong…they…
Alex: I mean you have talked to a lot of women on a regular basis in your work and life and to the ladies on NBC’s Ready For Love who have also obviously thought about love and relationships a lot. What do you think?
Leah: I think the biggest thing, and it is so common, it always comes down to this “communication”. Men and women are so incredibly different and I think a woman assumes that a man knows how she is feeling and he doesn’t. And I think that they, men, just need to listen a little bit more instead of doing. I think it could be a lot easier to have a relationship. Another thing is guys should save something for later. They don’t need to show all their goods in the beginning. You know.
Alex: Aaah yes Guilty in the past!
Leah: You know slow things down. Be like in the old fashion days not “old, old fashion” but I mean there needs to be more of that as they say “courting period” where you can really get to know each other. Because the longer you wait the better the intimate parts are going to be. If you wait, it will make everything so much better on both ends.
The Future - On Fire!
Alex: Yes, fantastic dating and relationship advice Leah! So what is next or what can we look forward to from the super amazing Leah Marie Trogan? I know recently you did a photo shoot with the superb Angela C. Pacheco and the fabulous LA Dollhouse. And you were also selected to be the LA Doll for the month of June!
Alex: So you are looking forward to more modeling and your career is just flying ahead. That is great!
Leah: Yes and I am always looking for more! Make up is such a creative industry and it takes you to so many places. You know through public speaking and inspiring women feel better about themselves. That is my passion in life! I love that part about make up. You can take a whole day of make up and turn into something that can empower women to do things that they didn’t feel confident in doing before. That is my passion but I always love working on film sets and fashion. I have plans of moving to LA because there is just so much out there for me.
Alex: Wonderful!
Leah: Also, right now I have a few things in the works. I am going to be doing a couple of music videos where I am the lead girl. It is a lot of fun. And the future to be continued…
Alex: How about acting?
Leah: Well I’m always ready for something new. I love film and I love acting. I’ve grown to have a big passion for it! I am always happy to talk to people about make up and film.
Alex: Any final comments?
Leah: Well everybody, I am still “LOOKING FOR LOVE!”
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Leah Marie Trogan on Fire! |
Alex: Excellent! Thank you very much for such an awesome interview! Take care!
Leah: You too!
Leah Marie Trogan the whole world knows who you are
because you are on fire!
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Agency: LA Dollhouse Model: Leah Marie Trogan Photographer: Angela Pacheco Photography Hair & Make Up: Kat Valencia Stylist: Abbi Puanani |
See you next week at Celebrity English!
And a Big Special Thank You to Angela C. Pacheco of Angela C. Pacheco Photography and Abigail Puanani of the La DollHouse for a wonderful collaborative experience!
Angela C. Pacheco is a LA photo shoot,
life style commercial photographer and videographer.
life style commercial photographer and videographer.
LA DollHouse is a premium dance and model talent company.
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Official Website |
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Language Learning Section
Natural Language
Vocabulary Boost!
Natural Language
Vocabulary Boost!
Theme: The Language of Love!
Instructions: Write the meaning of the words, expressions, and sentences below. The answers are posted below.
single mom =
a big heart =
to give it (your heart) to someone =
to get that off of my chest =
Love to me is completely selfless =
unconditional love =
relationship =
flirtatious =
“I am not like that and neither is Tim”. =
sleeping together =
married =
rumor =
When Tim and I were in a room together there was a spark =
I had dated his best friend =
an issue =
It takes 2 to tango =
ex-boyfriend =
best friends =
the superficial things in life =
"What do you do?" =
“What inspires you?” =
communication =
"courting period" =
intimate =
Answer Ideas
single mom = A single parent (or solo parent) is a parent, not living with a spouse or partner, who has most of the day-to-day responsibilities in raising the child or children. A single parent is usually considered the primary caregiver, meaning the parent the children have residency with the majority of the time.
a big heart = a very loving person.
to give it (your heart) to someone = to give someone all of your love and trust.
to get that off of my chest = to tell someone about something that has been worrying you or making you feel guilty for a long time.
Love to me is completely selfless = having, exhibiting, or motivated by no concern for oneself; unselfish.
unconditional love = is known as affection without any limitations. This term is sometimes associated with other terms such as true altruism, complete love, or "mother's/father's love." Each area of expertise has a certain way of describing unconditional love, but most will agree that it is that type of love that has no bounds and is unchanging.
relationship = a romantic or passionate attachment. the way in which two or more people, groups, countries, etc., talk to, behave toward, and deal with each other.
flirtatious = feeling or showing a sexual attraction for someone that is usually not meant to be taken seriously.
“I am not like that and neither is Tim”. = when using this expression "S/he not like that", the ‘that’ refers to the topic idea. It is also a general statement about a characteristic of a person that applies to all similar cases. In this case, it refers to the idea of having sexual intercourse while Tim was married. Leah is stating that she is not the type of person to have a sexual relationship while another person is married. She also states that Tim is not the type of person who has sexual relationships while being married.
sleeping together = having sexual intercourse.
married = having a husband or wife.
rumor = information or a story that is passed from person to person but has not been proven to be true.
When Tim and I were in a room together there was a spark = a small amount of a quality or intense feeling; a sense of liveliness and excitement. Felt an attraction to each other.
I had dated his best friend = dated (past verb tense) to date someone = an occasion when two people who have or might have a romantic relationship do an activity together.
an issue = problems or concerns.
It takes 2 to tango = It takes two to tango is a common idiomatic expression which suggests something in which more than one person or other entity are paired in an inextricably-related and active manner, occasionally with negative connotations.
The tango is a dance which requires two partners moving in relation to each other, sometimes in tandem, sometimes in opposition. The meaning of this expression has been extended to include any situation in which the two partners are by definition understood to be essential -- as in, a marriage with only one partner ceases to be a marriage.
ex-boyfriend = a man who is no longer a woman's boyfriend.
best friends = the one friend who is closest to you.
the superficial things in life = superficial = used to describe a quality, characteristic, etc., that can be seen in the outward appearance or manner of something or someone but that is not deep or genuine.
"What do you do?" = What is your job?
“What inspires you?” = to inspire = to influence, move; to spur on: impel, motivate. Fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, esp. to do something creative: “his enthusiasm inspired them”.
communication = is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behavior. It is the meaningful exchange of information between two or a group of person.
"courting period" = the act, period, or art of seeking the love of someone with intent to marry.
intimate = very private; closely personal. Closely acquainted; familiar, close.
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