blouse - vintage, Bamboo Ballroom jeans - MiH shoes - Target purse - H & M ring - Free People
This is my new vintage (isn't that an oxymoron? new/vintage?) polyester blouse I purchased at the Bamboo Ballroom Blogger Night last May. As soon as I laid eyes on it I knew it had to come home with me, much like most of the clothes in my closet! I paired it with my wide-legged, flared MiH jeans I got at Nordstrom Rack in the states. They have become my favorite pair of jeans. Of all-time. They're the perfect cut and length and make my legs look longer than they are. I highly recommend them!
Did you have a good weekend? The weather was crappy here for the most part so I spent a lot of time inside. Even when we did get a bit of sun, like when I was able to take these outfit pics, the mosquitoes were nasty, nasty, nasty. So I ran errands, went shopping, caught a movie ('Horrible Bosses' which was actually quite funny) and pampered myself with a much-needed pedicure. Pink toes ; ). Oh, and I ended my weekend watching 'Marley and Me' on T.V. which was a very bad idea. D. couldn't even watch it and I turned into a big, bawling, slobbering, snotty mess even though I had seen it before. When it was over I found Kitty and hugged her close and gave her a few kisses on top of her head. What can I say? I have a huge soft spot for animals. Like this little guy:
Okay he's not so little. Extremely large rabbits and hares are nothing new to our neighborhood, I spot at least three of them every day but this one has made a habit of settling comfortably into our grass (which really needs to be cut, I know!) every evening for the past month or so. Kitty watches him intently from her window perch. He doesn't let me get too close yet but hopefully that will change and I'll be able to pet him soon. Then he can move in with us! HA! D. would just love that I'm sure.
Before I go I wanted to thank Style Nine to Five for featuring me on their site. You can read about it here!
Before I go I wanted to thank Style Nine to Five for featuring me on their site. You can read about it here!
Have a great week!

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