Happy Fourth of July! Here, Have Something Sparkly

Well, we've kind of come to the end of our fun-filled fling with Fukuoka (although I'm still wistfully hoping for twitpics from the fan meeting in Tokyo which was yesterday which is a concept that grows ever more vague for me cuz they were having it during my tomorrow), so here's the last bit of Fukuoka picspam--or "picspasms," as my Twitter friend @cleopatra457 says, which may be a far more
You have read this article is that what they mean by johnnycake / Johnny Weir / the playground picspam became my most-viewed blog post EVER within 24 hours clearly none of us have had enough Johnny-riding-a-panda in our lives with the title Happy Fourth of July! Here, Have Something Sparkly. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2011/07/happy-fourth-of-july-here-have.html. Thanks!