You have read this article I loved reading the tweets from the Japanese fans they had such a good time with him and they love him so much /
Johnny Weir /
they miss him already /
Yoko said "the memories with him are my treasure"
with the title Foto Fantravaganza!. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!
Home » I loved reading the tweets from the Japanese fans they had such a good time with him and they love him so much »
Johnny Weir »
they miss him already »
Yoko said "the memories with him are my treasure"
» Foto Fantravaganza!
Foto Fantravaganza!
OK, Johnny and Tara should be coming home today since they left tomorrow, or actually they meant to leave but then Tara tweeted that they got kinda stuck and did NOT take off as planned because their plane was not terribly interested in departing Japan, having perhaps become completely enamored of the supreme cleanliness of it all and the amazing customer service, so it dug in its wheels and