More Fukuoka Fotomax!

Or: OK We Definitely Know Where the Starbucks Is
But Right Now We Have to--Oh Look! A Playground!

WE INTERRUPT THIS SIMPLY GLORIOUS PICSPAM TO BRING YOU YES! VIDEO! OF JOHNNY'S BAD ROMANCE IN JAPAN IN HIS DAZZLING NEW COSTUME! With a million thanks to Super Managtress Tara, for whom this blog is being posted right now so that she can enjoy it when she wakes up tomorrow in less than an hour to go
You have read this article does anyone else feel a sudden urge to go outside and play / fans described the new costume as "he was covered with twinkle dots" and also simply "glitter glitter glitter glitter" yes this / Johnny Weir with the title More Fukuoka Fotomax!. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!