Plan B

 Sorry, I had to. You cannot wear a Rolling Stones tee and keep your tongue in your mouth.

t-shirt, jacket, jeggings, jewelry - H & M  shoes - Suzy Shier  hat - Zara  purse - gift

On Friday I told you that we had to cancel our trip to Banff this past weekend because of the horrible driving conditions due to the (unwelcome, very unwelcome) dump of snow we got last week. I was bummed but I didn't let it ruin my weekend. It was full of quality time with friends, family, Yoga and amazing food. This is what I wore Saturday to go shopping with my best friend Kristin for some retail therapy. D. calls these pants my "grade 5 pants" because they don't have a zipper or pockets. I explained to him they're not jeans they're "jeggings" and they are in STYLE but he still didn't get it. Men! Anyways, I wore one of my favorite jackets from H & M and decided to pair it with my Rolling Stones tee that I also got from H & M. (You know how I love me some H & M!) Saturday night was spent with family for an early Easter dinner. I ate a lot of this:

 And played with this:

My nephew, Kayden. Not sure why it's so freakin' funny but if you throw a box on a toddler's head and watch them run around wild and almost run into things it's pure entertainment. If I had gone to Banff I wouldn't have been able to witness this hilarity. So maybe everything worked out for a reason?

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

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