Post-Christmas Christmas Party

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dress - Banana Republic Outlet    shoes - Aldo    tights - Walmart   necklace - random    ring - F21     bracelet -H&M 

This past weekend D. and I went to my work's Christmas Party which we have in January. (Don't ask lol.) We both had a great time. I feel extremely lucky to work with such fun and cool people. There was a delicious buffet dinner, a dance accompanied by a DJ and ridiculous and embarrassing games to play for prizes. Although I didn't win the big screen T.V. I did leave the party with a couple of fold-up ottoman's and a travel mug thanks to my ping-pong balancing abilities ; ). This dress is another Boxing Week purchase I picked up at the Banana Republic outlet for $26.00, saving about $50 off the regular price. I really hate taking outfit pictures inside but it was -30 C outside with three feet of snow and I'm not that brave. I'm actually getting really tired of all the snow that has fallen upon us, there's just so much of it. My car got stuck twice yesterday, thank goodness for my boyfriend, friendly neighbors and friends for bailing me out. (Yes, it took that many people!) Winter, I'm so done with you.

I hope you all have a great week!

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