Neither Sleet Nor Snow Nor Lack of Starbucks Shall Stay This Blogger From Posting Brief Picspam

Yes! Video! With incredible heartfelt thanksto @Jwnnica (Jennica Wilson from Traverse City, MI)for posting this so fast to YouTube!
Kayso I'm still in exciting Flint, MI (motto: Oh.), but I managed to wrest a few photos from my son, by which I mean I stole his 32GB memory card out of his camera while he was asleep and leafed through the 850+ shots he took between western Illinois and mid-Michigan
You have read this article David Ingogly / fantastic show with wonderful skaters / Johnny Weir / Mom are we there yet / OMGIDIE doesn't even begin to cover it / seriously how much snow does one town really need / SWTS with the title Neither Sleet Nor Snow Nor Lack of Starbucks Shall Stay This Blogger From Posting Brief Picspam. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!