
maxi dress - Obey, from Bamboo Ballroom, chambray - KUT from Black & Bold, sandals - F21, all accessories - H & M

I wore this outfit to meet my friends at a chocolate cafe this past weekend. Yes, you read that right - a CHOCOLATE CAFE, aka HEAVEN! It's called Cocoo Chocalatiers. Although I didn't have any chocolate while I was there (I know, am I crazy??) besides a tiny truffle sample, I opted for the vanilla cherry gelato which was amazing, just like it sounds. It was so hot that day, like 30 degrees celsius (side note - when I was eight years old I swore I'd name my future daughter "Celsius," luckily that was just a passing phase along with wearing my clothes inside out and backwards, a la Kris Kross circa 1991) but there was air-conditioning inside the cafe so I had to make sure I was prepared for the difference in temps. So I opted for a slinky, breathable mid-maxi dress for outside and a light, chambray shirt to layer over it when I was inside. It's all about the layers! Especially when you live in Canada ; ). 

               Janis & Caroline and my vanilla cherry gelato (yum!)


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