Random Wednesday Wrap-Up

Photo tweeted by Johnny last Saturday: "Loved my night at @PushkinNY with @vitya_zvesda @prncessjax and #Jared." And we love this pic.

Oh hai!

Thanks for stopping by! 

I'm just now digging out from under the avalanche of messages, emails, DMs, etc., generated by last week's fan-tastrophe known as That Thing That Happened Of Which We Shall Never Speak Again, and so today we get to catch up on
You have read this article Johnny Weir / once again pondering how it is that I can live too far away from every single Johnny thing / the Jaguar event comes with bonus larger-than-life snow globe / Victor Weir-Voronov with the title Random Wednesday Wrap-Up. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2012/08/random-wednesday-wrap-up.html. Thanks!