To All the Dads Who Are Getting It Right: Happy Father's Day

Johnny and his father, John Weir,
in a scene from Pop Star on Ice.
First, please let me say: Dear Patti. I am so very sorry that you lost your father just a few days before Father's Day. My heart goes out to you, especially today, and your family is in my prayers.

Secondly, because it's Father's Day, my thoughts naturally turned not to my father, who wasn't much of one, but to Johnny's dad, a
You have read this article Father's Day / it takes more than sperm to be a real dad and sometimes no sperm at all / Johnny Weir / Johnny will make a wonderful dad I can just see him playing dress-up with his kids / Pop Star on Ice with the title To All the Dads Who Are Getting It Right: Happy Father's Day. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!