Purple Leopard Butterfly

purple dress - Kenzie
black pants - Zara
shoes - Aldo
bag - Winners
bracelet &; butterfly ring - H & M

Picked up this dress (worn as a top) at Dots last month. I never know if I'm ever going to find anything at Dots, it's kind of like Winners where you really have to search until you (maybe) find something you like. Luckily I found a couple of pieces I really enjoyed and much to the dismay of my bank account, bought.

I know I desperately need my bangs cut! Thank jeebs my friend will be cutting and highlighting my hair this weekend and you will actually be able to see my eyes in my pictures ; ) I'm super excited, my split ends feel like straw! This is why my hair is up in these photos ; )

I hope you are enjoying your week! It's almost Friiiidaaaay : ) Woot, woot!

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