Speechless ... But Not Tweetless

I'm still hung up on this clip.Plus I didn't have time to find a new graphicbecause I spent all night filling out papersto officially change my first name to "Boys" ...(thanks to Facebook fan Maggie Strasser for this brilliant idea!)

Yes, I had already seen the BGJW finale when it first appeared via On Demand last week. But of course I had to TiVo its official airing again last night
You have read this article Bluefly.com / I know we're supposed to have compassion but I've looked and looked and I just can't find any for the cruel idiocy that is the skating federation / it’s “has tweeted” / Johnny Weir with the title Speechless ... But Not Tweetless. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2010/06/speechless-but-not-tweetless.html. Thanks!