Yes! BGJW2 Premieres Tonight! Here, Have Some Johnny Covered in Dots

Johnny as you've never quite seen him before...

At the photo shoot Friday for Twelv Magazine.

Photo tweeted by Tara.

Please click twice for larger view.

UPDATE!! Special five-minute sneak peek of tonight's premiere just released by Logo! Check it out, and watch the rest tonight, 10 pm EDT / 9 pm CDT!

Watch Reality TV, Video and Movies - Logo TV

Also: According to @LogoTV, the
You have read this article Be Good Johnny Weir / I love that underneath the body paint the sparkles the weave the whatever else he is indeed so genuine and so totally unlike anyone else / Johnny Weir / Root Studios / Twelv Magazine with the title Yes! BGJW2 Premieres Tonight! Here, Have Some Johnny Covered in Dots. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!