I Smell Bullsh*t!

source: People

source: RadarOnline

According to her rep, Lindsay Lohan's little sister Ali (above), a model, looks different due to a "teenage growth spurt" and has never had any plastic surgery and has never considered it. "Her success as a model lies with her natural looks and she has no interest in changing that." Oh my God, are you serious?? No plastic surgery?? She has a complete NEW FACE! And she's only seventeen! Where is her mother? Trying to keep her other daughter out of jail? Dear Lord, what is our society coming to when teenage girls feel the need to perfectly carve out their faces because they're not happy with who they are on the outside and more importantly, the inside? Is this the age of "Design -a-Face?" Her bones probably haven't even finished developing yet! This is just BONKERS to me!

If Ali Lohan hasn't had any plastic surgery than Osama Bin Laden is still alive and Kate Gosselin's a virgin.

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