Vacation / All I Ever Wanted / Vacation / Had to Get Away...

Best wishes to Johnnyfor a wonderfully relaxing tripfilled with many heartwarming scenariosinvolving various combinations ofaloe gel, corkscrews, and cages ...erm ... yeah ... um ...(Hey kids: Don't try this at home ... )

Very special thanks to all who sent me
such kind birthday wishes over the weekend--
I really appreciate your thoughtfulness!! ♥

Hey! There's new stuff on Johnny's website!
You have read this article hoping he gets exactly what he needs from this trip / I still totally love the Go-Go's / I'm not here to judge but elsewhere I might be feel free to drop by and chat / Johnny Weir / your results may vary with the title Vacation / All I Ever Wanted / Vacation / Had to Get Away.... You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!