Congratulations, Johnny: USFSA's Figure Skater of the Year!

Johnny Weir,USFSA Readers' Choice Figure Skater of the Year,at the end of his Fallen Angel
free skate programin the 2010 Olympics.
I love irony.

I love that the God of my heart loves irony too.

I love that despite the USFSA's desperately determined efforts to ignore, bury, and distance themselves from Johnny Weir--their own three-time National Champion and two-time Olympian; despite the fact
You have read this article I don't care what the ballot said he's the Greatest Skater Ever / Johnny Weir / Johnny Weir rhymes with Figure Skater of the Year which makes me insanely happy / UniversallySuckyFatheadedSloringAsshats with the title Congratulations, Johnny: USFSA's Figure Skater of the Year!. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!