Wow! Wow!! wow!!! Karen Igho is so searing hot in these pictures and poses we must commend. Her style has really gotten a massive dose or should we say oxygen. Whoever her stylist is must be commended and if she's the one doing all the stuffs by herself, then we also give her kudos!!!. There has been great improvements of late and we really love. We have seen KI a couple of times in recent times and we are loving all we see, the body con dresses, the Louboutins and a few other goodies.

The photographer whoever he is, concentrated on her assets and really made sure to show it off to great advantage. 
She's also come out to say emphatically that- She was never at anytime a ''stripper''. All she ever earned from was 'legit' work.

On her 'breast enhancement' , she says, she had it done because she had lumps and had a double mastectomy & her siblings (2 of her sisters) have also done theirs now too.
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