Fashion Is the New Math: Johnny + Alice + Olivia = Wow

Johnny at Monday's Alice + Olivia presentation. 

With bonus Cheb-inspired bowtie.
From the Zimbio gallery.

Strutting for @michaelkuluva @tumblerandtipsy in the morning, then @asherlevine and @theblondsny in the evening! Busy Tuesday dead ahead...
— Johnny Weir-Voronov (@JohnnyGWeir) February 12, 2013

So yay NYFW finally has some actualfax pics for us, plus hopefully more to come from
You have read this article absolutely love this outfit / Alice + Olivia / Johnny Weir / NYFW / OK this is better we actually have a dozen pics now multiply by 1000 and you’ll be closer to meeting our needs / Victor Weir-Voronov with the title Fashion Is the New Math: Johnny + Alice + Olivia = Wow. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!