White Out

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 Hat - Steve Madden (from Winners)   coat - Garage Clothing   top - H & M   necklace - F21

A cold and nasty winter storm hit our city last Friday (the worst in ten years!) and since then more than 1.5 feet of snow has fallen, making it very difficult to drive on the icy, slippery and unplowed side roads. Trying to drive on roads like these is kind of like trying to stick a bean all the way up your nose and swallow it - it's possible but it might get stuck. So I decided not to drive anywhere this weekend to be safe. Instead I took a walk around my neighborhood wearing my practical - yet fashionable- hat to take a few pictures of the craziness to show you what a Canadian winter can be like:

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Our backyard

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Look closely. Yes, there's a CAR under that blanket of snow! Not mine, thank goodness.

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Icicles hanging from the side of our house. 

More snow is yet to come. This is just the beginning. I'm off to sip some hot chocolate and warm up my toes!

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