Leftover Holiday Pictures

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My best friends Jenessa and Kristin

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My mom made those butter tarts. They're my absolute favorite Christmas treat!

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Our cat, Prints Whiskerson Sultenfuss The First aka "Kitty." She's nice when she sleeps!

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My  nephew and D. playing with his new train set on Christmas Eve.
(We open our presents on Christmas Eve, it's a European thing. My Dad's from Poland.)

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Winston, D.'s sister's pug

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My Aunt and Uncle's huge Christmas tree at their cabin

Is anyone else in denial about the holidays being over??? I find January is kind of a let down because not only is the excitement of Christmas gone, we have a few more months left of short days and extremely cold weather which makes me seriously contemplate hibernating until Spring. Oh well, on the bright side it's a new year, I have new goals and a new winter coat to keep me warm ; ). I bid adieu to the holiday season by putting away our Christmas decorations while weeping and posting these pics. I hope you have a great weekend!

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