SWTS Finale: Scorching. Wicked. Totally. Speechless.

Johnny during his stunning SWTS finale performancewith Jennifer Wester, Denis Petukhov, and Keauna McLaughlin,choreographed by Laurieann Gibson to Alicia Keys'"Try Sleeping With a Broken Heart."Special thanks to "Puri Monsta" on Facebookfor the screen cap!
Please watch this:



This is skating.

This is skating unfettered by points and politics and petty power plays.

This is skating
You have read this article BRB watching this vid 348905676354 more times / hello USFSA there's a reason Lady Gaga has 25 million FB fans / Johnny Weir / love Johnny and Laurieann's rapport / SWTS So Want Two Seasons (and more) with the title SWTS Finale: Scorching. Wicked. Totally. Speechless.. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2010/12/swts-finale-scorching-wicked-totally.html. Thanks!