I'll See Your "I Don't Care" & I'll Raise You a #CuttabitchOnNationalTelevisionFTW

So the bad news is I am just too damn tired to blog after having driven nine-and-a-half hours from Michigan (motto: Salt? On the roads? Really? What for?) through northern Indiana and an exciting phenomenon known as "lake-effect snow," a quaint and charming way to describe near-blizzard conditions that suddenly pop up thanks to a nearby body of water, reducing visibility to about three inches in
You have read this article hey housewife better raise your game / I can't bear to put her name as a tag / Johnny Weir / so as long as she had FUN then she deserves high scores did no one explain to her how this show works / SWTS with the title I'll See Your "I Don't Care" & I'll Raise You a #CuttabitchOnNationalTelevisionFTW. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2010/12/i-see-your-don-care-i-raise-you.html. Thanks!