Exclusive! Interview With the Agentress: All About Lake Placid!

Agentress Extraordinaire Tara Modlintakes good care of Johnny,even when that means getting on a planein Salt Lake City at the crack of o'dark thirty ...
In the midst of doing absolutely everything there is to do while checking her list of additional stuff to do and keeping tabs on the list of stuff to do later in between checking her e-mail for stuff that needs to be done right now because
You have read this article #dapperisthenewbitchslap / #youdapplikethat / dapper which I don't evan know what that is / Johnny Weir / not planning to be dapper in Lake Placid / still LMAO at dapper / Tara Modlin / Tara we love you with the title Exclusive! Interview With the Agentress: All About Lake Placid!. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2010/07/exclusive-interview-with-agentress-all.html. Thanks!