While I Was Sleeping....

Photo posted to Weibo yesterday by Johnny: 


[Hello, from me and Tyoma!] 

I hope I wrote it correctly!"

So I finished The Massive Editing Project That Ate My Life But It's For A Client Who Actually Pays Which In The Freelance World Is Like Finding Bigfoot On A Unicorn Drinking Out Of The Holy Grail In Your Kitchen, so yay me.

While engulfed in this manuscript, I
You have read this article I know Phil’s already written off Max and Ross’s chances but it’s FS so anything can happen and sometimes even good stuff / Johnny tweeted he was learning new moves from Dita yes pls / Johnny Weir with the title While I Was Sleeping..... You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2013/03/while-i-was-sleeping.html. Thanks!