Fall Photos & Inspiration

Clockwise from top left: My friend Stewey, flowers for my Grandma's 87th Birthday this past weekend, Vickie snapping photos, early Bday cupcakes from my bestie

My nephew Kayden, Kitty sleeping soundly, my fancy pants, Kitty hugging the heat vent in our bathroom. I do realize I post a lot of pictures of my cat! What can I say? She's my baby : ).

The High Level Streetcar, the view from the train, my favorite fall scarf, gourds! (What a weird name for vegetables.)

Except for the couple of days it snowed last week, I'm loving fall! It's really the prettiest season of the year, don't you think? Something else I'm loving about fall?

A burgundy lip

And layers and knits

photos via instagram @mariealamode, inspiration photos from Cotton Candy Peaches and Fashion Roadkill

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