Be Good? He's Better Than Ever!

Johnny from his latest interview in Next Magazine, 

posted on their website yesterday. 

The print edition hits NYC tomorrow. 

I'll take 84 million copies, thanks. 

(Hair by the fabulous Eric Alt, of course.)

OK, before we discuss Be Good Johnny Weir, let's get the other Next Magazine pics out of the way, shall we:

There we go. But please do go read the interview. It's
You have read this article Be Good Johnny Weir / Dirty Love / I know Viacheslav said “Only skate” but he seriously has a future in acting / Johnny Weir / Lucian Piane / Patti Weir / Saturday Night Live / SNL / Viacheslav Romanov with the title Be Good? He's Better Than Ever!. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!