Random Wednesday Roundup

Johnny at the Ice House last Thursday,
greeting fans and signing autographs. Photo tweeted by @D_Galano21: "Just met professional figure skater Johnny Weir. Sweeeeeet."

OK! Here's a quick roundup of a bunch of stuff you've probably already seen that happened while I was busy having a life—

—such as it is, being mostly made up of things like drowning in deadlines at the same time that my
You have read this article Cup of Russia / Johnny Weir / prayers thoughts and good vibes to you Victor we are all pulling for you / Rostelecom Cup / Show of Champions / so incredibly excited for Johnny's return / Victor Weir-Voronov with the title Random Wednesday Roundup. You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2012/07/random-wednesday-roundup.html. Thanks!