Pro-euthanasia activists gear up for fresh assault on Parliament

The next six weeks are shaping up to be very busy on the euthanasia front as pro-euthanasia activists gear up for a new assault on the media, the courts, the medical profession and parliament.

On 19-22 June three Judges in the High Court will hear the joined cases of two men with conditions resembling locked-in syndrome who are seeking to change the law.

Tony Nicklinson is arguing that the principal of necessity should allow a doctor to end his life without fear of prosecution for murder, and/or that the current laws interfere with his Article 8 right to his private life.

‘AM’ (‘Martin’) is also arguing under Article 8 and wants the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), the Solicitor’s Regulatory Authority and the General Medical Council to make clear in advance the extent to which solicitors and doctors could assist his suicide.

If these cases were to be successful the legal safeguards currently in place to protect vulnerable people from exploitation and abuse by those with a personal interest in their deaths would be significantly eroded.

According to research, the vast majority of people with locked-in syndrome are 'happy' and adapt to living with their condition, but you can be sure that this will not be a message you will hear from the media when these two cases are in the spotlight in a few weeks time.

The Annual Representative Meeting of the British Medical Association takes place in Bournemouth on 24-28 June. Usually at these meetings we see an attempt by doctors linked to Dignity in Dying (DID), the former Voluntary Euthanasia Society, to move the BMA to a neutral position on legalising assisted suicide and/or euthanasia. This year will probably be no exception.

The following week on 4 July DID is planning a mass lobby of Parliament to drive their views home to our legislators. This will coincide with a day conference where celebrities will address supporters. Their glossy propaganda inserts are spilling out of commercial publications; they are spending hundreds of thousands; and clearly believe this is their year.

In the winter edition of their supporters’ newsletter, they told their supporters that they were drafting a new ‘Assisted Dying Bill’ following which they would begin a ‘consultation period’ timed to fit with their mass lobby.

We haven’t seen the draft bill yet but when it comes it will almost certainly follow the same lines as those suggested by the ‘Falconer Commission’ (ie. assisted suicide for mentally competent adults with less than twelve months to live).

The controversial Commission, which reported in January this year, was conceived of by DID and paid for through one of their patrons, celebrity novelist Terry Pratchett. Given that 9 of the 11 supporters were already committed to legalising assisted suicide it was no surprise when it delivered its conclusions.

Over the last year DID have been fundraising for a new assault on parliament and had income of nearly £1 million in 2011. They have also been recruiting new patrons to back their cause and now have 47 sportsmen, actors, entertainers and other celebrities on tap to endorse their brand.

DID have failed twice before to legalise assisted suicide; with the Joffe Bill in 2006 and the Falconer amendment in 2009.

They also suffered a drubbing in two parliamentary debates earlier this year but on past record this will not deter them in continuing to feed the media with new high profile cases and celebrity endorsements to advance their case. So don’t be surprised when it happens.

I’ll keep you up to date with developments as (and before) they arise.

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The Unlucky Girl's Guide to Concealing Dark Undereye Circles

It's no secret: If you've been following my blog for awhile you know that I hate my dark under-eye circles and have complained about them numerous times. When I wake up in the morning I look like the grim reaper. The proof is in the pudding - look at the above photo! Yikes, hey?! I made sure I didn't have the flash on in one photo so you could see what they honestly look like, in all their glory. I guess I can thank genetics for these dark circles, I've had them forever. It also doesn't help that I am allergic to my cat and deal with allergies all year round. (I haven't breathed through my nose properly in six years! Why I kept the cat is a whole other post.) And unfortunately, there's nothing I can do to make them disappear, I have to conceal them instead. So how do I do that so people aren't scared of me when I walk down the street? I use some great products that I thought I'd share with you.

Hylexin Serious Dark Circles Eye Cream by Bremenn Researh Labs - I bought this because it had the word SERIOUS on it and I SERIOUSLY thought it was going to make my circles disappear but sadly it didn't. However, my under-eye area used to look worse before I started using this eye cream (SERIOUSLY), if you can imagine that! So although it's definitely not a miracle cream, it works. A little bit.

Algenist Complete Eye Renewal Balm - I've been using this for months now and it's a great eye cream. I put it on after I use the Hylexin. This balm is super hydrating and moisturizes well, helping with the redness and puffiness from my allergies. ***You need to use a good eye cream before applying concealer so that the concealer won't crack and look cakey.

MAC Pro Longwear Concealer - I talked about it here. It's my favorite. I've tried Benefit's Bo-oing Industrial Strength Concealer, Cle de Peau, Time Balm, Benefit's Erase Paste and numerous other concealers but this works best for me. Invest in a concealer that works well for you.

Smashbox Halo Yellow Color Correcting Hydrating Powder - I wish I would have known about this sooner! It has kinda changed my life. You know how after a couple of hours you apply your concealer under your eyes, the area starts to look a little grey and the product starts to seep into your fine lines (if you have them) making them look more pronounced? Well this stuff prevents that from happening and sets your concealer so that it stays on all day, while reducing the redness and purple-ish colors underneath your eyes. You can also use this on your whole face. It's totally worth the price! This is what it looks like when you take off the cap:

You just turn it and the powder slowly oozes out. I use a concealer brush to dab and apply it.

 Much better, right?

So those are the products I use to help with my dark under-eye circles! I hope this helps some of you with your circles, if you're lucky unlucky enough to have them ; ).

You have read this article Cosmetic Reviews / Makeup with the title May 2012. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

EPIC Career Advice from Buffett and Gates!

Buffet and Gates Billionaire philanthropists!
Buffet & Gates billionaire philanthropists
It is the time of year when people are entering the work force full time for the first time in their lives.  Whether you are graduating from high school or college the next step feels like a big one!   Most people have a feeling of uncertainty and anxiety.  What’s next? Will I be able to find a job? What if I make the wrong career choice? 

This week, I want to take a look at some career advice for new graduates.  As our guides or mentors, I have selected 2 pillars from the American Business Community: Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. 

Career Advice

QUESTION: Mr.Buffett, Mr. Gates, I am Ibrahim Dolly and I came from Portugal.  I have a question for both of you.  You both knew early in your careers what you wanted to do in your life.  What advice do you have for those of us who are a little bit unclear?

GATES:  Well, finding the thing that you are passionate about and that you are good at can sometimes take a period of years.  I think Warren and I were lucky we kind of ran into it. I wasn't even sure it was software.  I was kind of obsessed with it but then it wasn't clear it could be a career.  When that happened, it was great.  I think most other people get into their 20s and have to try out some different experiences.  And some things will expose you to a lot of different businesses, a lot of different work opportunities.  And I think you can make your first few jobs optimized for getting that exposure.  And then when you want it, see the thing that you want to be fanatical about and just jump on to that.

BUFFETT:  First of all, I'd say marry the right person. [LAUGHTER]  And I'm serious about that.  [APPLAUSE]  It will make more difference in your life.  It will change your aspiration, all kind of things.  It's enormously important who you marry.  Beyond that, I would say that do what you would do if you were in my position, where the money means nothing to you.  At 79, ... I work every day.  And it's what I want to do more than anything else in the world.  The closer you can come to that early on in your life, you know the more fun you're going to have in life and really the better you're going to do.  So don't be driven where you think the last dollar is presently or anything of that sort.  And then also go to work, if possible, for an organization or an individual that you admire.  I mean I offered to go to work for Ben Graham because there was nobody I admired more in the business than him.  I didn't care what he paid me.  When he finally did hire me in 1954, I moved from Omaha to New York and I didn't know what I was getting paid until I got my first paycheck.  But I knew I wanted to work for Ben Graham.  And I knew I would jump out of bed every morning and be excited about what I would do and I would go home at night smarter than I was in the morning.  Go to work at a job that turns you on and a person that turns you on and institution.  [APPLAUSE]

Talking Points

Have you found your ‘passion in life’?

Have you found something you are ‘good at’?

What do you want to do after graduation?

Does your ‘passion’ and ‘what you are good’ at suit your career path?

Is it always possible to make your passion your career?

Do you agree with Mr. Buffett that “marrying the right person” is important to your career?

To view these excellent visionaries of business go to CNBC

To all of the graduates entering the work force for the first time: good luck, enjoy, and always be yourself!

Celebrity Language and Culture!

You have read this article advice / Alex / America / Bill Gates / billionaires / business / career / Celebrity English / CNBC / education / employment / graduating / job / learning / passion / philanthropist / USA / visionary / Warren Buffett / work with the title May 2012. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

There are few things more horrifying than the slaughter of innocent children

BBC Radio Four led on the Syrian massacre this morning describing it in graphic terms as the ‘deliberate mass killing of children’ who ’were murdered one by one’.

The story was also one of the top three on the BBC website earlier today along with the account of six children dying in a house fire in the north of England.

These would have been the top two reports had it not been for Mitt Romney gaining the Republican nomination for the US presidential elections yesterday.

There are few things more gut-wrenching than the death of children but these two stories have grabbed the media spotlight mainly because of the particular circumstances involved.

It now appears that most of the 49 killed in the village of Taldou were summarily executed, with UN observers claiming that many of them had been killed by close-range gunfire or knife attacks.

And there are now questions being asked about whether the fire that resulted in the deaths of six siblings in Derby may have been started deliberately.

Every child’s death is a tragedy but there are few things more reprehensible than the killing of children by adults. Children are rightly seen as amongst the most vulnerable and defenceless members of society and deserving of special protection.

It is therefore not surprising that Western governments are acting quickly at the highest level to expel Syrian diplomats and impose sanctions and the police are giving high priority to investigating the Derby fire for which the children’s own parents are now suspects.

Whether or it turns out that the Syrian government was directly involved in the latest atrocities, or whether or not the parents are charged with starting the fire, it is nonetheless deeply ingrained in the human psyche that public authorities have a duty to protect the vulnerable and that the strongest advocates for children should be their own parents.

It is for this reason that I find the relatively low prominence given to the 2011 abortion statistics also published yesterday profoundly bizarre.

The BBC report highlights the fact that 34% of the 189,931 women having an abortion last year in England and Wales had had one before and most newspapers note the fact that repeat abortions now make up 36% of the total, over a third.

The Independent further notes that for the first time last year more mothers had abortions than childless women. 51% of women undergoing abortions already had at least one child.

Other press reports give more detailed analysis with most reproducing the figures highlighted by the Press Association.

But as far as I can see no one has yet commented on the fact that 98% of the total are funded by the NHS through tax revenues and also that 98% were carried out on mental health grounds (see section 2.9 of report).

As I have pointed out before, this latter 98% are also technically illegal as there is no evidence that continuing with an unplanned pregnancy poses any greater risk to a mother’s mental health than having an abortion.

And yet doctors continue performing them regardless while government, police and the crown prosecution service stand idly by and the major abortion providers justify it as necessary.

There is no one more vulnerable, more innocent and being killed in greater numbers than the unborn child. Each year around the world there are 42 million abortions, against only 57 million deaths from all other causes except abortion.

And in Britain there have already been over 7 million abortions in the 45 years since the Abortion Act was passed in 1967.

It is understandable that people are shocked and outraged by child deaths in Syria and Derby.

But the fact that we can barely raise an eyebrow at abortion in Britain is a chilling testimony to our astounding spiritual blindness and breath-taking hypocrisy.

189,931 unborn children died in England and Wales last year – under their mothers’ instructions, at the hands of doctors and paid for by tax payers’ money. And parliament, police and prosecution service did nothing.

If the Syrian massacre was the ‘deliberate mass killing of children’ who ’were murdered one by one’ then what was this?
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A Mighty Dream

Johnny on the ice,
in the soft glow of the spotlight.
Just exactly where our dreams would have him.Photo © David Ingogly.

Upon the brink of a wild stream, he stood and dreamt a mighty dream.— Aleksandr Pushkin

This Pushkin quote has long been one of Johnny's favorites. He lists it on his website under things he loves, and he also told People Magazine recently that it was his quote in his high
You have read this article all I can think of is Patti saying they’ll never have a retirement fund / David Ingogly / dear Johnny please take good care of yourself or let Victor do it or both / Johnny Weir / Johnny’s Comeback Gift Fund with the title May 2012. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

Into The Light

blazer - H & M, dress - thrifted, shoes - Aldo, purse + earrings - Banana Republic, rings - H & M and The Bay
photos by D.

This blazer is one of my favorite pieces in my closet, a staple I'll have forever which will never go out of style. (I love clothing like that!) And I think it was only $50 at H & M so SCORE! The dress is a cheapy little thing I bought for $10 if I remember correctly. Another score ; ).

How was your weekend? Mine was busy but productive and we had amazing, warm weather so I definitely took advantage of it by having a slurpee every day ; ). I wasn't looking forward to yesterday (Monday) because I had my first of two root canals yesterday. People, if you're getting a root canal do NOT google "root canal photos" before your appointment, it will invoke a type of fear you never thought existed. Even your teeth will be scared. I was in the chair practically shaking beforehand, thinking about what they were about to do but to be honest with you, it wasn't all that bad! I couldn't feel a thing. Except my jaw was sore when the dentist left me in the chair with a dental dam in my mouth for 15 minutes and I had to keep my mouth open the whole time. Like this:

No, this is NOT me, I don't have a moustache (that I know of), I got this photo off Google. Anyways, he just got up and left me there! I thought he had forgotten about me but he didn't. He eventually came back and fixed me up and I went on my way! With a very sore jaw.

You have read this article Outfit Posts / Random Babblings with the title May 2012. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

How atheists (don't actually) answer serious questions on twitter

I have previously posted on the reason Christians don’t express their views about sex on twitter.

But what happens if, instead of making statements, we ask serious questions?

Yesterday morning, after 24 hours of on and off discussion answering questions posed by atheists about origins, history and language (you can see the discussion storified here) I asked two serious questions as follows to see how they themselves might respond:

1.How do you explain the fine tuning of the universe?
2.How do you explain the fact of 116 distinct language families?

I received just about 60 replies in the next three hours from some of the atheists who follow me on twitter and have categorised them into five main categories.

Here are over 50 of them (I have omitted many retweets and some conversation between themselves to which I was copied in):

Dismissive disdain and patronising putdowns (19)

21h Shane McKee ‏@shanemuk
@drpetersaunders don't be stupid, and go look it up. @Dragonblaze@theslicer

8h Shane McKee ‏@shanemuk
@drpetersaunders a tenner says your silly questions are a/ already answered, b/ non-questions, c/ properly unknown. @dragonblaze@theslicer

8h Shane McKee ‏@shanemuk
@drpetersaunders origins of languages a matter of debate, but Babel is a fairy story. Not in the frame. At all. @dragonblaze@theslicer

9h Kees Engels ‏@KeesEngels
@drpetersaunders @Dragonblaze @shanemuk @TheSlicer And neither do you. But instead of research, you plug the gap with God. Typical ...

10h Harpindon Groomsmill ‏@And_TheRest
RT @shanemuk @KeesEngels Oh no! Looks like genetic evidence comprehensively DISPROVES @drpetersaunders's naive view...

10h Dragonblaze ‏@Dragonblaze
@shanemuk It's selective blindness. They believe all the other stories are made-up, except their fave ones. @drpetersaunders @TheSlicer

10h Kees Engels ‏@KeesEngels
@shanemuk @Dragonblaze @drpetersaunders @TheSlicer Carlin made a nice joke about that ;) - look for 'divine plan'

10h Shane McKee ‏@shanemuk
@Dragonblaze I think @drpetersaunders doesn't give humans enough credit for inventing stories. His is a #HarryPotter god.@TheSlicer

10h Dragonblaze ‏@Dragonblaze
@shanemuk It's selective blindness. They believe all the other stories are made-up, except their fave ones. @drpetersaunders @TheSlicer

10h Kees Engels ‏@KeesEngels
@shanemuk @Dragonblaze @drpetersaunders @TheSlicer Carlin made a nice joke about that ;) - look for 'divine plan'

10h Shane McKee ‏@shanemuk
@Dragonblaze I think @drpetersaunders doesn't give humans enough credit for inventing stories. His is a #HarryPotter god.@TheSlicer

10h Dragonblaze ‏@Dragonblaze
@shanemuk Though when asked to demonstrate, they always refuse. And I'd so like Ayers' Rock in the park nearby.@drpetersaunders @TheSlicer

10h Shane McKee ‏@shanemuk
@KeesEngels Oh no! Looks like genetic evidence comprehensively DISPROVES @drpetersaunders's naive view of #Bible!@Dragonblaze @TheSlicer

10h Kees Engels ‏@KeesEngels
@shanemuk @drpetersaunders @Dragonblaze @TheSlicer There were never less than 22.000 individuals, even at its worst bottleneck event

10h Dragonblaze ‏@Dragonblaze
@shanemuk No, he can't - and he's using the water in pothole fallacy even in the question. @drpetersaunders @TheSlicer

10h Shane McKee ‏@shanemuk
@KeesEngels: @drpetersaunders did say only 8 ppl were alive 3200 years BC. *He* can't explain genetic diversity. @Dragonblaze@TheSlicer

10h Shane McKee ‏@shanemuk
@Dragonblaze: @drpetersaunders can't explain fine tuning: - he's just an apologetics regurgitant.@TheSlicer

10h Dragonblaze ‏@Dragonblaze
@drpetersaunders Which theory would you prefer - excluding Babel fairy tales, of course. @KeesEngels @shanemuk @TheSlicer

11h Shane McKee ‏@shanemuk
@drpetersaunders there is NO evidence rooting human lingo to the Genesis myth. You are being silly. @dragonblaze @keesengels@theslicer

Mockery and mutual self-congratulation backslapping (9)

Kees Engels ‏@KeesEngels
@anarchic_teapot @Dragonblaze @shanemuk @drpetersaunders@TheSlicer "We will resume rotation shortly. Thank you for your patience."

Dragonblaze ‏@Dragonblaze
@anarchic_teapot Lol - funny indeed. @shanemuk@drpetersaunders @TheSlicer

8h Shane McKee ‏@shanemuk
@0100110010110 @drpetersaunders @dragonblaze @theslicer it's because he thinks if atheists can't answer, Jeeebus wins by default.#nutjob

8h Invincible Truth ‏@0100110010110
@shanemuk @drpetersaunders @dragonblaze @theslicer He thinks he's got the smoking gun here eh? lol

8h anarchic_teapot ‏@anarchic_teapot
@Dragonblaze @shanemuk @drpetersaunders @TheSlicer Sudden vision of huge "SITE UNDER MAINTENANCE" sign in sky instead of sun...

8h anarchic_teapot ‏@anarchic_teapot
@shanemuk That one is hilarious. @Dragonblaze @drpetersaunders@TheSlicer

8h Shane McKee ‏@shanemuk
@0100110010110 @drpetersaunders @dragonblaze @theslicer it's because he thinks if atheists can't answer, Jeeebus wins by default.#nutjob

10h Kees Engels ‏@KeesEngels
@shanemuk @NewHumanist @drpetersaunders I laughed :)

10h Kees Engels ‏@KeesEngels
@drpetersaunders @Dragonblaze @shanemuk @TheSlicer *plague

Incredulity that these are even serious questions (3)

9h Invincible Truth ‏@0100110010110
@drpetersaunders @shanemuk @dragonblaze @theslicer Why do pose this question to atheists?

8h Shane McKee ‏@shanemuk
@drpetersaunders why does "116 language families" even matter? Languages evolve. No surprises there. #duh @dragonblaze@theslicer

9h Aribert Deckers ‏@aribertdeckers
@drpetersaunders @Dragonblaze @KeesEngels @shanemuk@TheSlicer Even whales and birds and monkeys have language. SO WHAT!? It is evolutionary

Irrelevant counter-questions and counter-comments (16)

9h Dragonblaze ‏@Dragonblaze
@drpetersaunders Do you know *exactly* what causes autism?

9h Aribert Deckers ‏@aribertdeckers
@drpetersaunders @Dragonblaze @shanemuk @TheSlicer BWAH!!! The question religiots can't answer: If god created the world, who created god?

10h Dragonblaze ‏@Dragonblaze
@KeesEngels Jesus promised believers can literally move mountains, but I've yet to see that happen. @shanemuk @drpetersaunders@TheSlicer

9h Aribert Deckers ‏@aribertdeckers
@drpetersaunders @Dragonblaze @KeesEngels @shanemuk@TheSlicer Didn't dawn on you that the eye was invented several times INDEPENDENTLY?

10h Dragonblaze ‏@Dragonblaze
@shanemuk Frankly I have major difficulty in taking anyone who admits belief in witchcraft and demons seriously @drpetersaunders@TheSlicer

10h Kees Engels ‏@KeesEngels
@Dragonblaze @shanemuk @drpetersaunders @TheSlicer "God answers prayers" "Prove it, pray for anything" "It doesn't work like that"

10h Shane McKee ‏@shanemuk
@KeesEngels yes - these are standard tropes for Near Eastern gods like Baal, YHWH, Marduk etc. @Dragonblaze @drpetersaunders@TheSlicer

10h Dragonblaze ‏@Dragonblaze
@shanemuk Yep, like stopping the sun in the sky (or the earth from spinning) w/o anyone noticing the disaster. @drpetersaunders@TheSlicer

10h Kees Engels ‏@KeesEngels
@shanemuk @Dragonblaze @drpetersaunders @TheSlicer Also, he doesn't exactly come across as a subtle individual#deathofallfirstborns

10h Shane McKee ‏@shanemuk
@Dragonblaze furthermore, if @drpetersaunders & @TheSlicer don't like YHWH's "finely tuned" universe, they think they can ask for changes!

10h Shane McKee ‏@shanemuk
.@Dragonblaze YHWH is constantly tinkering, fixing *non*-fine-tuned mistakes in his universe. He's like Zeus. @drpetersaunders@TheSlicer

10h Kees Engels ‏@KeesEngels
@shanemuk @drpetersaunders @Dragonblaze @TheSlicer Oh no! Now what will he use to explain what he doesn't understand?

10h Shane McKee ‏@shanemuk
@Dragonblaze worse than that, the fake god of the bible doesn't match a god who sets up finely balanced params. @drpetersaunders@TheSlicer

10h Christian Values 4UK ‏@CV4UK
"@drpetersaunders: @Dragonblaze @shanemuk @TheSlicer"Peter explain how a lottery winner has the same numbers as are drawn out?

10h Kees Engels ‏@KeesEngels
@drpetersaunders @Dragonblaze @shanemuk @TheSlicer Funny how YOU accuse US of constantly asking questions. You avoid answering like the pest

11h Shane McKee ‏@shanemuk
@drpetersaunders explain the fine tuning of your fake god.@dragonblaze @theslicer

Possibly serious replies (4)

9h Kees Engels ‏@KeesEngels
@drpetersaunders @Dragonblaze @shanemuk @TheSlicer Ah, a challenge. I will answer them all, but will you accept my replies?

9h Dragonblaze ‏@Dragonblaze
@drpetersaunders I don't precisely care if you're on the Moon. We can't answer because nobody knows for certain. @shanemuk@TheSlicer

10h Dragonblaze ‏@Dragonblaze
@drpetersaunders ṣani têmi, ultu Twitter alak! Right after you translate that. I'm not a physicist. @shanemuk @TheSlicer

11h Shane McKee ‏@shanemuk
@drpetersaunders "116 families" - you are misinterpreting this.@dragonblaze @keesengels @theslicer

You have read this article Apologetics / atheism / Christianity with the title May 2012. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

Twenty questions atheists struggle to answer

For my answers to the questions below see the following links:
Questions 1-6
Questions 7-11

For others' answers see here

Earlier this week I was involved, on and off, in a wide-ranging 24 hour twitter conversation which has been storified by Dr John Cosgrove under the title ‘Creation, Evolution and Gosse’.

It covered such matters as the origin of man, the evolution of language, the dating of early civilisations and the historicity of the genealogies and the flood narrative in the book of Genesis.

As is usual most of those involved were atheists who follow me on twitter and regularly mock and ridicule my commitment to Christian faith and values.

Again, as is usual in these discussions, it was primarily atheists asking the questions and me giving answers whilst they tweeted my responses with great delight to their followers with accompanying comments such as ‘facepalm extravanganza’.

On Friday night and Saturday morning I asked in return two questions (2 & 7 in the following list) which thus far none of them has attempted to answer despite posting around sixty responses to me in the intervening period whilst I was off-line.

This, in my experience, is the usual response by atheists nowadays in keeping with Richard Dawkins’ recent call to them not to engage in discussion but rather to ‘ridicule and show contempt’ to Christians and their beliefs.

Anyway, I said yesterday that I would post a list of twenty questions that, in my experience, atheists either won’t or can’t answer. So here is an initial list below. There are many more.

I am not, in posting these, saying that atheists have no answers to them, only that as yet in over forty years of discussion with them I am yet to hear any good ones.

Coherent responses are welcome in the comments column below (See my own responses to questions 1 to 6 and 7 to 11).

Twenty questions atheists struggle to answer

1.What caused the universe to exist?

2.What explains the fine tuning of the universe?

3.Why is the universe rational?

4.How did DNA and amino acids arise?

5.Where did the genetic code come from?

6.How do irreducibly complex enzyme chains evolve?

7.How do we account for the origin of 116 distinct language families?

8.Why did cities suddenly appear all over the world between 3,000 and 1,000BC?

9.How is independent thought possible in a world ruled by chance and necessity?

10.How do we account for self-awareness?

11.How is free will possible in a material universe?

12.How do we account for conscience?

13.On what basis can we make moral judgements?

14.Why does suffering matter?

15.Why do human beings matter?

16.Why care about justice?

17.How do we account for the almost universal belief in the supernatural?

18.How do we know the supernatural does not exist?

19.How can we know if there is conscious existence after death?

20.What accounts for the empty tomb, resurrection appearances and growth of the church?
You have read this article Apologetics / atheism / Christianity with the title May 2012. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

What’s wrong with the General Medical Council’s draft guidance on ‘Personal Beliefs and Medical Practice’?

The General Medical Council (GMC) is currently consulting on a range of new guidance to doctors.

Overall there are no less than nine separate documents up for discussion.

The most contentious and controversial of these is ‘Personal Beliefs and Medical Practice’ (PBMP), which deals with issues around faith discussions within a medical consultation and conscientious objection.

The review is crucially important because, once finalised (definitive guidance will be published in November), these nine documents will be the basis on which doctors are judged and those who breach the rules will be at risk of disciplinary proceedings and losing their medical registration.

The consultation is part of the on-going review of the GMC’s core guidance Good Medical Practice and is open to anyone who wishes to comment on the issues raised. It opened on 18 April and closes on 13 June so there are less than three weeks of an eight week consultation period left to respond.

So the time to respond is now.

You can respond either directly online via the GMC website (you will need to register) or by filling in an emailable pdf covering all nine documents to send to the GMC (Note that you must type directly into this form and cannot cut and paste an answer from another document!)

CMF’s recent comments on the 2008 draft of 'Personal Beliefs and Medical Practice' are available on the CMF website.

However the new 2012 draft for consultation has been substantially rewritten and builds on the latest draft of ‘Good Medical Practice’ which, ironically, has not yet itself been published.

It states that ‘we don’t wish to prevent doctors from practising in line with their beliefs and values, as long as they also follow the guidance in Good Medical Practice’ but also makes it explicit (p4) that in situations of conflict ‘we expect doctors to be prepared to set aside their personal beliefs’.

This means in essence that when there is any conflict, 'Good Medical Practice' trumps the doctor’s conscience.

The main points to note about the new draft ‘Personal Beliefs and Medical Practice’ are as follows:

1.Whole Person Medicine

Although the guidance addresses the importance of ‘adequately assessing the patient’s conditions, taking account of their history (including the symptoms, and psychological, spiritual, religious, social and cultural factors)’ there is very little if anything on the relationship between personal beliefs and health or of the importance of practising holistic care which addresses these issues in practice.

Instead the emphasis is on not expressing ‘personal beliefs (including political, religious and moral beliefs) to patients in ways that exploit their vulnerability or that are likely to cause them distress’ or, alternatively, not ‘allowing your personal views to affect your professional relationships or the treatment you provide or arrange’ (based on paragraphs 54 and 60 of ‘Good Medical Practice’).

2.Sharing personal beliefs

There has been further tightening of restrictions about sharing personal beliefs. The guidance now says (para 13) that:

‘During a patient consultation, you may talk about your own personal beliefs only if a patient asks you directly about them or if you have reason to believe the patient would welcome such a discussion. You must not impose your beliefs and values on patients, or cause distress by the inappropriate or insensitive expression of them. You should keep the discussion relevant to the patient’s care and treatment and, as with disclosing any personal information to a patient, you must be very careful not to breach the professional boundary that exists between you, and must continue to exist if trust is to be maintained’.

It is hard to see how this will not lead to a greater number of vexatious complaints. Surely it would have been sufficient simply to have said that any sharing of personal beliefs must be done with permission, sensitivity and respect and with the patient’s best interests foremost. Trust is after all best built through openness and compassion.

3.Abortion and Artificial reproduction

The draft guidance notes (p3) that ‘in some areas the law specifically entitles doctors to exercise a conscientious objection’. It amplifies in a footnote that ‘in England, Wales and Scotland the right to refuse to participate in terminations of pregnancy is protected by law under Section 4(1) of the Abortion Act 1967’.

It further clarifies, in a footnote to Endnote 5, that this includes ‘care which is necessary preparation for performing a termination’. It also confirms (P3 footnote) that ‘the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 prevents any duty being placed on an individual to participate in any activity governed by the Act’.

By offering some further clarification about preoperative care for abortion this is a slight improvement on the 2008 draft.

4.The obligation to refer

The guidance says (p5) that doctors ‘may choose to opt out of providing a particular procedure because of (their) personal beliefs and values’ and must tell the patient (p8b) ‘that they have a right to (see) another practitioner who does not hold the same objection’.

If it is ‘not practical for a patient to arrange to see another doctor’ then there is a duty to ‘make sure that arrangements are made – without delay – for another suitably qualified colleague to advise, treat or refer the patient’.

So it appears that there is actually a duty to participate in procedures to which a doctor might have a conscientious objection by referring patients for them. Many doctors would see this as complicity or ‘participation’. Duties should surely end with informing patients of their right to see another doctor but without the obligation to refer, especially with regard to abortion.

This clause was recently the result of a successful legal challenge(1) by doctors in New Zealand when guidance similar to ‘Personal Beliefs and Medical Practice’ was issued by the New Zealand Medical Council. The Council's proposed guidelines were held to ‘overstate the duty of a doctor with conscientious objection, by failing to give adequate recognition to the ability of that doctor to decline to provide the service requested’.

As a result the guidance has never come into effect in New Zealand. It is not inconceivable that doctors might bring a similar case here.

5.An absolute duty to participate in 'treatment'

For the first time the guidance states that there are two procedures to which doctors have no right to conscientious objection, namely ‘providing gender reassignment’ (P5 footnote) and ‘providing contraception to unmarried women’ (Endnote 2). It justifies this stance on the grounds that these procedures are ‘only sought by a particular group of patients (and cannot therefore be subject to a conscientious objection)’ under the Equality Act 2010.

It is not clear why a similar argument does not apply to providing male circumcision for religious or cultural reasons as this is also sought only by groups who are supposedly protected under the Act. The GMC appears to be applying the law here in an inconsistent way and may well also be opening itself up to potential legal challenges in the future. It might be argued that very few doctors are involved in gender reassignment anyway and those who are, given that it is a specialised field, would not wish to exercise conscientious objection.

However it is likely that the clause on gender reassignment will be interpreted to include everybody in the referral and treatment pathway and potentially many GPs. Similarly, most doctors do not have an objection to prescribing for unmarried women but there are some who do and argue their case strongly on grounds of protecting the patient’s best interests. And there are circumstances where most doctors would hesitate to prescribe, especially if they were concerned about sexual coercion or abuse.

But the thing which is perhaps most concerning about this new absolute duty to ‘provide’ certain ‘treatments’ or ‘procedures’ is that it seriously undermines a doctor’s professional judgement and conscience. Doctors simply should not be forced to do things they believe are morally wrong, clinically inappropriate or not in a patient’s best interests. Reasonable accommodation should be made. The GMC should be upholding conscience, not eroding it.

The consultation questions

The GMC is asking doctors six yes/no questions about the draft guidance and for each of these gives options of answering ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘not sure’ as well as leaving space for comments.

The consultation deals only very superficially with the issues raised by the guidance, misrepresents to some extent its real contents and doesn’t ask specifically about the things which raise the most concerns. It also does not invite comments on how the text should be specifically reworded to address concerns doctors might have.

The six questions on 'Personal Beliefs and Medical Practice' are found on pages 26-29 of the emailable pdf. If you are only responding to this document (the pdf deals with all nine) then you need only fill in these pages and the personal details and survey from page 41. The questions (with preamble) are as follows:

Consultation Questions

Personal beliefs and medical practice was first published in 2008 in response to enquiries from doctors and others on issues in this area. We asked for views about the current guidance earlier this year (February 2012) before we redrafted (see CMF’s comments on prior draft). Now we’d like to know what you think about this draft guidance.

1 Do you think it’s helpful to have guidance on this topic?

The guidance provides more detail about what doctors should do if their beliefs conflict with carrying out particular procedures, or giving advice about them. Currently we allow doctors to withdraw from providing all arranging treatments or procedures on the grounds of conscience, whether or not this is covered by legislation.

2 Do you think this is a reasonable position for us to maintain?

At paragraph 5, we explain that gender reassignment is only sought by a particular group of patients who have ‘protected characteristics’ as defined in the Equality Act. Gender reassignment can not be withheld because of doctors’ personal beliefs, without breaching the Act.

3 Is the guidance on gender reassignment clear? If no or not sure, please say why.

4 Are there any references to supporting information we could include to make the guidance more helpful to doctors?

5 Is the guidance clear?

6 Do you have any other comments on Personal beliefs and medical practice?

I would encourage all doctors, and anyone else with an interest, to respond to the consultation.

Once the guidance is set in stone it will be the standard all doctors are judged against.

1.HALLAGAN And Anor V MEDICAL COUNCIL OF NZ HC WN CIV-2010-485-222 [2 December 2010]
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The Essence of Poetry

Johnny on the ice during warmupin his Bosco "Russia" vest, of course. I love that when the GP announcements came out this past Monday, Johnny texted Phil Hersh of the Chicago Tribune: "Can't wait to be back in the game, and it all starts in Mother Russia."Photo © David Ingogly. Please click twice for larger view, or click here for the amazingly detailed full-size image.

So I was dithering over
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Five keys to understanding history

I was interested to see this five point outline on the ‘heavenly worldliness’ blog for an understanding of Revelation 5.

I have inserted some additional random thoughts of my own and a scripture or two after each point.

1. God is sovereign over history

I’ve just returned from the European Leadership Forum in Hungary (600 participants from 40 countries) where John Lennox was doing the main Bible readings on the book of Daniel. A central theme is that God is sovereign over history and the rise and fall of nations:

‘the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes’ (Daniel 4:25)

The message of Daniel is that fire doesn’t burn, lions don’t bite and kings don’t reign unless God allows them!

2. Jesus is the key to history

History is all about God the father bringing all things together under the authority of Jesus Christ. Daniel 2 depicts a giant statue seen in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and revealing four great world empires represented by gold, silver, bronze and iron (Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome) which were succeeded by and replaced by the Kingdom of God inaugurated by Jesus Christ. Soon this will be all that there is.

In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever. This is the meaning of the vision of the rock cut out of a mountain, but not by human hands —a rock that broke the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold to pieces.(Daniel 2:44, 45)

‘all things have been created through him and for him’ (Colossians 1:16)

3. Redemption is the focus of history

The one and sole purpose of history is redemption. God, through Christ's death and resurrection, has done everything necessary for us to return to him in repentance and faith. He is now calling out of all nations a people to be his own to share all eternity with him.

After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. (Revelation 7:9)

4. The church is the aim of history

History will come to an end when Jesus Christ returns to claim his bride, the church.

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. (Revelation 5:25-27)

5. The glory of God is the climax of history

The climax of history will come when all evil is vanquished and the new heaven and new earth have come. At that time all creation, which is presently groaning longing to achieve its destiny, will praise and glorify God for all eternity.

To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honour and glory and power, for ever and ever! (Revelation 5:13)

Is this your own understanding of history and what life is all about? If not I pray that God will make it clear to you. If so, I pray that you might live in the light of these glorious truths each and every day from now on as we await Christ’s return.

Let these wonderful truths motivate, strengthen and encourage you as you seek to glorify him today.
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British Muslims launch new petition to oppose same sex marriage

The Muslim Council of Britain,the umbrella body representing Britain’s Muslims, has today launched a petition opposing the government’s proposals to change the legal definition of marriage.

Based on the highly successful Coalition for Marriage petition (C4M), which has so far gathered over 500,000 signatures, ‘Muslims Defending Marriage’ is supported by key voices in the Muslim Community.

The petition reads as follows:

‘I disagree with the government’s proposed re-defining of marriage. I fully support the long-standing legal definition of marriage as the voluntary union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others.’

The campaign website, which is modelled on that of C4M, calls on Muslims signing to spread the word, respond to the government consultation on same-sex marriage and to contact their MPs.

It carries supporting videos from Farooq Murad, Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain, Maulana Madani, Chairman of Mosques and Imams National and Shaykh Haitham, Chairman Muslim Research and Development.

Farooq Murad, the MCB’s Secretary General said today: ‘We have launched Muslims Defending Marriage (MDM) as we felt we had a duty to defend the meaning of marriage, guard its sanctity and protect the welfare of children’.

He added, ‘Other faith communities have already taken steps to evidence the strength of feeling in favour of keeping marriage intact. It is imperative that the Muslim community does all it can to contribute to this because we have a sacred duty to stand up for marriage and to support those, of whichever faith, that are doing so. We are aiming at mass participation from the Muslim community on an issue that will have such far reaching consequences for everyone.’

The MCB says that it stands opposed to discrimination in all its forms, including homophobia. The purpose of this campaign is to stand firm for the true definition of marriage, as with other faiths, Islam recognises marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

It is calling upon concerned citizens to respond to the government’s 12-week consultation on its proposals for same-sex marriage. The deadline for submissions to the consultation is 14 June 2012.

This latest move will put more pressure on Prime Minister David Cameron to delay and possibly abandon his quest to legalise same sex marriage.

In recent days three cabinet ministers have added their voices to a growing number of back bench conservatives who have already signalled their opposition.

In response David Cameron yesterday offered a free vote on the Government's plans but Downing Street stressed again this week about the Government’s determination to get it onto the statute book before the end of the parliament.

See also

Series of 24 articles on all aspects of same sex marriage debate
Ten Reasons why same sex marriage should not be legalised
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My Life in Pics

1.Magazine page from a shoot I styled for Georgie, out on stands now. 
(Will show you more once I get the tear sheets!)
2. My favorite chambray-ish top
3. Pug kisses!
4. Awesome fake eyelashes, c/o Noir Lash Lounge in Vancouver

 1. A gorgeous pink Vera Wang wedding dress I was drooling over at David's Bridal
2. Kitty and I cuddling on a Saturday morning
3. Horseback riding at my brother and sister-in-law's ranch
4. Did I mention they have a ton of horses?

1. My parents' camera which is older than I am
2. Kitty and D. getting their daily snuggle on. As soon as he sits or lays down, she's all over him! What a hussie.
3. Beautiful view of Edmonton's River Valley from the Shaw Conference Center
4. Latest outfit post wearing my favorite summer tank

All pics taken on instagram @mariealamode

I want to wish my little nephew Kayden, aka 'The Tank,' a very Happy 4th Birthday today! He's not so "little" anymore though. His head is bigger than mine and he weighs exactly half as much as I do! I'm not kidding! 

I hope you're all having a good week! Cheers to the freakin' weekend being right around the corner : ).

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Islam, Judaism and Christianity – which one, if any, is true?

If we take the three main theistic religions - Islam, Judaism and Christianity - one of which is believed broadly by almost half of the world's population - we find they have several striking similarities.

All share belief in an all knowing, all powerful creator God who made the universe.

All share belief in a judgement and an afterlife
- in angels and devils
- in scriptures and prophets
- in a similar ethical code

All share belief that God has intelligibly revealed his will in the course of history and strikingly all began in Middle East and trace themselves back to a common ancestor Abraham who once lived in what is now Southern Iraq.

The similarities are astounding - but there are profound differences too - and the most striking difference between them is in their beliefs about one person Jesus Christ.

The traditional Jewish view is that Jesus was a sorcerer and a false prophet who led people astray and died on a Roman cross.

Muslims see him as a prophet of God who spoke God's word who didn’t die but was taken up to heaven by God whilst still alive.

And Christians believe that he was God himself visiting the planet in human form who died on a cross and rose from the dead.

Now clearly these three beliefs about Jesus can't be equally true - because they are mutually exclusive. But they are also subject to historical enquiry. Either Jesus was God or he wasn’t, and either he died and rose again or he didn’t.

So it would make sense that if we want to know which theistic religion is true - if any - it makes sense to focus first on Jesus Christ.

Some atheists think that Jesus never existed - but in fact apart from the four biblical historians accounts there is substantial evidence for his existence from contemporary Roman and Jewish historians like Tacitus and Josephus. We know that the records we have passed down are historically reliable - because they were written by eyewitnesses and because we have very early written copies from which we can decipher the original text with a high degree of accuracy.

Other atheists think that he was just an ordinary man about whom a myth was made - but worshippers and critics alike who lived at the time did not disagree about the quality of his moral teaching or the fact that he performed astounding miracles: miracles which demonstrated power over disease, people and the forces of nature.

Some like to domesticate Jesus Christ into nothing other than a great moral teacher - but the claims which he made about himself, make such a belief unsustainable.

Someone who gave great moral teaching but also claimed that he...

Created the world
Existed before time began
Was the source of all truth
Never made a mistake
Would be executed and then rise from the dead
Would judge the whole world
And…was in fact God himself

…would not be simply a great moral teacher.

If his claims were false he would be either a deceiver or a lunatic and if his claims were true he would of course be what he came to be.

Of course it was for just these claims - and not his teaching nor miracles - that eyewitnesses tell us Jesus was executed by the Roman authorities by being nailed to a wooden cross.

Many people think that Christianity is an ‘arrogant’ religion - and in the sense that it claims to be the truth - as all religions do - this is true.

But, according to the eyewitnesses, these claims were made by Jesus himself - and if Jesus really was God visiting the planet in human form demanding allegiance from us human beings - then I'd suggest that to accept the fact and act accordingly is actually to act in humility not in arrogance.

The height of arrogance would rather be to ignore God's clear call in a world that belongs to God.

As Christians - we believe on the basis of the evidence - the evidence of Jesus Christ and history and the evidence of the change that coming to believe in him has made in our lives – that:

1.Jesus is God and will judge all of us and determine our ultimate destiny in heaven or hell
2.He came to earth on a rescue mission which involved dying on the cross and rising from the dead to ensure that if we respond in the appropriate way we can face judgement after death with confidence

My hope, if you are not currently a Christian, is that you might have the humility to accept the possibility that these beliefs might just be true and to examine the evidence.

You may currently be sitting on the fence and that’s fine. I wouldn’t expect you to make any commitment unless you became convinced on the basis of the evidence that Christianity was credible enough to commit yourself to. But the question is ‘are you prepared to look at the evidence?’

Personally I don't think that that is arrogant to ask you to consider evidence that may have huge implications for your future.

It’s surely no more arrogant than giving a hearing to a doctor who claims to have some wonderful new cure for some disease you might have a hearing. It may well be in your best interests and at very worst isn’t going to do you any harm.

So how about it?
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Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook: - Talking Tips

Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook
Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive officer of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg recently increased his personal wealth to a little under 20 billion dollars at the age of 28.  He is still a ways off Bill Gates in age and money but the future will be interesting.  He is one of the world's youngest billionaires and considered to be one of the most influential people by Time Magazine.
Currently, Facebook has 901 million monthly active users; approximately 80% are outside of North America.


Question: How is Facebook affecting the web?
Mark Zuckerberg: I think it's shaping -- it's shaping the broader web. I mean, right now, if you look back for the past five or seven years, the story of social networking has really been about getting these 800 million people connected, right, so that they can stay in touch with all these people who they care about, and getting them signed up for Facebook and all that. But if you look forward for the next five years, I think that the story that people are going to remember five years from now isn't how this one site was built. It was how every single service that you use is now going to be better with your friends because they can tap into your friends.

[Adapted from Charlie Rose Interview - Prepared by National Capitol Contracting 200 N. Glebe Rd., #1016Arlington, VA 22203]

Speaking Style

Quite often at dinner parties or other social gatherings we are asked our opinion(s). 
Mark Zuckerberg’s style is great for discussing a topic in a relaxed manner.  Mark is ‘down to earth’ and obviously connects easily with those around him; even in an interview situation.  Although his answer style is casual it is actually well crafted.
I think there a few tips we can pick up from Mark Zuckerberg.

Tip 1: State your Opinion Clearly.

Question: How is Facebook affecting the web?
I think it's shaping -- it's shaping the broader web.

Mark doesn’t mess around.  Right away, he tells the listener his opinion directly.  However he is unassuming, or not overbearing, because he gives his opinion with an “I think….” phrase.


I think + opinion/idea/belief

Tip 2:  Give Details to Support your Opinion

Mark immediately supports his belief by introducing his idea with: “I mean, … “.  This speaking form used after an opinion is to clarify the speaker’s opinion/idea.


Opinion/ idea + I mean…

Tip 3:  Create a Framework Within your Answer 

The framework gives context to the details.  Mark implements a short past and future time context.

If you look back for the past five or seven years…
But if you look forward for the next five years,…


Past expression + details

Future expression + details

Tip 4:  Use a Humanizing Language Device

A humanizing language device can be used to convey a difficult topic and connect with the listener.  Mark uses the phrase ‘the story of /that’ to connect with the listener.  The key point to this language device is the referencing of ‘a story’.

the story of social networking has really been about…
I think that the story that people are going to remember five years from now…

What I mean is that ‘everyone likes a story’.  We have all grown up on ‘stories’.  People can relate to them.  For example the listener might now think (after hearing Mark’s answer): “Maybe this Internet world isn’t so difficult, boring, or cold.” Social networking has a story.  All humans have a story therefore we can think of an Internet social networking platform as human.  Mark’s humanizing language device is subtle but quite effective. 

the story of/that + topic


Put it into Practice 

Example Ideas

Topic 1: 3D (three-dimensional) or (S3D stereoscopic 3D)
Question: How is 3D affecting the media?

Mark’s Answer style: I think it's shaping -- it's shaping the visual media experience.

I mean, right now, if you look back for the past five or seven years the story of 3D has really been about creating a greater visual sense of reality for the viewer.  It puts the viewer right there with the objects or characters in film
But if you look forward for the next five years, I think that the story that people are going to remember five years from now is about the horizontal movement of the 3D.  3D has moved from films to TV, games and soon onto mobile devices. 

Topic 2: Toyota Prius
Question: How is the Toyota Prius affecting the automobile industry?
Mark’s Answer style: I think it's shaping -- it's shaping the broader automobile industry.
I mean, right now, if you look back for the past five or seven years, the story of
the Toyota Prius has been about selling North American drivers on the benefits of the Prius vehicle. 
But if you look forward for the next five years, I think that the story that people are going to remember five years from now isn't how this one company successfully sold the Prius.
It will be about how Hybrid vehicles disrupted the gas driven automobile market.

Now try your own ideas.  Here is the structure of Mark Zuckerberg’s Speaking Style to help you remember.

I think + opinion/idea/belief

Opinion/ idea + I mean

Past expression + details

Future expression + details
the story of/that + topic

Well until next time, try Mark’s style out at your next social event.  Never be afraid to give your opinion. 

Now, sending positive wishes to Mark Zuckerberg and his new bride Priscilla Chan!
Mark Zuckerberg and his new bride Priscilla Chan!

Celebrity Language and Culture!
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Mazel Tov, Tara and Josh!

Victor and Johnny offer congratulatory kisses to beautiful bride and beloved Super Agentress Tara, who married Josh King on May 10. Exclusive photo courtesy of Tara.

She's his long-suffering agent / manager / confidant / fiercely protective guardian / Starbucks schlepper / snuffle queen / personal photographer / playground pal / diva in her own right, and one of the few people on the planet who
You have read this article Johnny Weir / Josh King / so much happy these last few months I’m just ready to burst / Tara Modlin / Victor Voronov with the title May 2012. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

May Long

tank - Old Navy: buy here, trousers - Zara, shoes - Aldo, 
purse, necklace, rings and slinky bracelets - H & M, gold cuff - Banana Republic
photos by D.

After drooling over Olivia Palermo's statement necklace here, I decided to purchase one in my favorite color at H & M the other day. Of course mine isn't as extravagant or as expensive as Olivia's, obviously but it does the job of adding some pizazz to an outfit which is what a statement necklace is supposed to do. The brighter and bolder, the better! (In my opinion.)

Did you all have a nice weekend? Due to yesterday being the Victoria Day holiday, I had a 3-day weekend and it was glorious. I spent it sleeping in, reading, cleaning the entire house (well that wasn't glorious but it felt so good after I was done. I was a cleaning MACHINE! Once I start I can't stop. We're talking six hours straight - I don't mess around), spending time with family and friends, watching movies - I saw 'What to Expect When You're Expecting' which was really cute, and horseback riding with my sister-in-law at her and my brother's ranch. It was perfect and just what I needed, minus the extremely sore muscles in my legs from squeezing the horse I was on.

Have a good week! And thank you for reading my blog, I don't say that enough. Thank you.

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