Our HDOI Story Continues in a Particular Order...

Which I Believe Is Best Described as "Random."

As the really excellent lighting team prepares to work the spotlights in the darkened arena, Johnny waits to take the ice for warm-up at the Holiday Dreams on Ice dress rehearsal, Friday, December 23.

OK, so in the Never-Ending Story That Was Two Days of Holiday Dreams on Ice Which Went By Way Way Way Too Fast Although the Telling of It Seems to
You have read this article David Ingogly / Johnny Weir / let me guess you scrolled all the way down first to see if there were any pics of Johnny and Victor amirite / the snowman also deflated but Josh resuscitated him too with the title Our HDOI Story Continues in a Particular Order.... You can bookmark this page URL http://celebrityunitedking.blogspot.com/2012/01/our-hdoi-story-continues-in-particular.html. Thanks!