Ice Theatre of New York's Gala: The Don't-Miss-It! Event of the Weir Year

Dare to be different: Johnny at Fashion on Ice with Betsey Johnson, Sarah Hughes, and Sinead Kerr. One week from today, Johnny will be the guest of honor at Ice Theatre of New York's "Dare to Be Different" Benefit Gala and Performance! Hurry--there are still a few tickets available!
Photo © David Ingogly.

So hey: I'm going to ITNY!

Which is a thing I didn't think would be possible! But now it
You have read this article dare to be different yes this / David Ingogly / he's changed thousands of lives in wonderful ways / I wish he could know what a positive impact he's had I know let's sell out ITNY / Ice Theatre of New York / Johnny Weir with the title Ice Theatre of New York's Gala: The Don't-Miss-It! Event of the Weir Year. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!