
 Vickie, Janis and I   
 dress - asos, tights - Zara, shoes - Aldo necklace - some store in Paris bracelet - H & M

First I want to apologize for the HORRENDOUS lighting in these photos! No matter how much I tried to edit the colors and light I still couldn't fix them. Anyways, these pictures were taken at Splash! (with an exclamation point) which was the official after party for Western Canada Fashion Week. You may remember me complaining talking about the dress I have on in this post.. Well I finally got to wear it Friday night and it was well worth the wait. It is the softest and most comfortable dress I've ever slipped into and I received really nice compliments on it. One was from this random dude at the party:

He then proceeded to give me advice on how to pose. Clearly Zoolander knows what he's talking about. 

D. and I at Moriarty's Bistro and Wine Bar for dinner and drinks pre-Splash!

Janis's pretty salad I wish I had ordered

Yay! Bellini's!

Kendall, Daniel and Andrew. It was Andrew's 19th Birthday that night!
I can't even remember what it was like to be 19, it was so long ago. Ha!

A dozen of beautiful pink roses D. brought home to congratulate me on covering my first fashion week.
How sweet is he???

I hope you all have a great week! My giveaway is coming up next! I PROMISE. No really, I do.

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