So today is my birthday and I'm not going to lie, I haven't really been looking forward to it. Actually I've been flat-out dreading this next milestone in my life like Lindsay Lohan dreads random pee tests. I'm no longer in my early twenties -or my late twenties, ahem - and it's a bit jarring because I can no longer blame my future mistakes, bad judgement or f-ups on my "youth" anymore, it's now time for me to take full ownership and responsibility for my actions for I am a full-blown Grown Up today. But I certainly don't feel my age (which is 29A if you haven't guessed already) or the need to grow up. Or to surrender to the fact that from now on I will be aging and sagging in places I wish would stay taut forever! But C'est la Vie and here I am, one year older. And wiser? I'd like to think so. Although I'm not happy about getting older I am happy about where I am in my life and feel blessed to live the life I do. My boyfriend reminded me of this when he threw me a surprise birthday party (along with the help of my parents) 10 days ago and forty of my closest friends and relatives showed up to celebrate with me. Last week I told you I'd post pictures so here we go. Bear with me, some of these photos are taken from a ways away on my mom's camera and aren't very clear (that and the fact I look like Satan with my red eyes) but I thought I'd share them with you any way. So, the night started out like this:
I'm wearing my work clothes because that day I went directly to my hair appointment from the office, then to dinner with D. and afterward straight over to my parents house to see my nephew Kayden whom they were babysitting that night. I was itching to get over there because I wanted to spend as much time with K. as possible before he went to bed as it was getting late. Throughout our dinner D. was texting on his phone and I kept thinking, "How rude!" He said he was texting his friend who had a hot date that night but really he was texting my mom to tell her where we were and how long we'd be until we arrived. When we pulled up to the house there were tons of cars parked on the street but I didn't clue in at all. Hence the dorky surprised expression on my face when I opened the door to a choir of friends and family yelling "Supriiiiiise!"
I was completely shocked. I had NO idea. People kept saying, "C'mon, you didn't know anything?" Look at my face in the first picture, do you think I knew anything with that "Holy Shit" expression on my face??? D. did a great job of hiding everything from me. And that's gum in my mouth, not slobber.

My beautiful cousins

Here I am with Kristin, one of my best friends I've known since I was 8 years old. D. tried to fly in our other best friend who lives in Vancouver - I know, how sweet is he??? - but she had a mid-term that afternoon and there was no way she could have made it. She was there in spirit though and called me ten minutes after I arrived at my party.
The Crew. FYI they didn't plan the all-white wardrobe that night ; )
I don't drink but I made an exception this one night. Which lead to pictures like this at the end of it:
That's my friend Jared. He's a lot of fun and was happy I was drinking.
Oh, I almost forgot about the BOOB CAKE!
What can I say? My Mother has a very ODD sense of humor. Even D. looks confused.
Anyways, the party was so much fun - I let loose and stayed up waaaaay past my 29A bedtime. I felt so loved and so special that night. And in all seriousness, maybe turning thirty (there I said it) isn't all that bad. I was kinda lost and insecure and went through some really rock-bottom tough times in my early twenties, I started to figure myself out in my mid-to-late twenties and now finally I'm starting to feel comfortable in my skin as I enter this next decade. It's taken a long time for me to get where I am right now, to be content and know what I want. I'm ready to start the next exciting chapter in my life with D., my wonderful family and my amazing friends by my side. And some anti-wrinkle cream.
; )
I hope you all had a great weekend and I wish you a wonderful week!

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