Holy Shit, right? It's okay, you can say it - HOLY SHIT- because I say it every time I walk downstairs and try to find a piece of space that might resemble a floor to get to one of the boxes. Yes, this is our basement at the moment and it makes me anxious living in such chaos. Does anyone else get like this? I'm a very clean and organized person but as you know I moved in with my boyfriend a couple of weeks ago. His roommate was still living there at the time so we were waiting for him to move out so we could unpack some boxes we moved downstairs from the upstairs and set up D's 'Man Cave' in the basement. Well his roommate is gone now so guess what? It's time to unpack and since D.'s away I'm the lucky one who gets to sort through all this stuff. I could wait for him to get home but my patience is getting weary. I've organized the upstairs, it's starting to look pretty good but I'm sorry I've saved the worst for last. I'm not looking forward to it but I'll feel so good when it's all done!!
And although his roommate left us a dirty bathroom with a toilet he has NEVER cleaned (my boyfriend always had to do it) he did leave us these beautiful flowers congratulating us on moving in together. Isn't that sweet??? He's forgiven ; )
K, so before I wish you all a great weekend I will leave you with this picture. My sister-in-law sent this to me last week on my phone of her cat and dog taking a nap together and being the animal-lover that I am I just had to share it with you!
Can I get a round of "Awwww's?"
Have a great weekend!

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